Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I'm So Sorry
Until Next Time!
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Back to where I left off
After we left Dr Fish, I went to E-mart to get my cleaning supplies since I will be doing the hard labor myself. 80,000 won for cleaning products. I can't complain because I got myself some Tide and Downy. I don't know who makes or what they put in their fabric softener here, but it leaves my clothes feeling like bricks, has made the leather label on my Express jeans bleed, and has put a hole in my favorite pair of jeans. So I am more than willing to shove out the extra money for a brand I know and trust.
I get my hair done next week! If you haven't notice, there are not many pictures of me. It's because my hair looks like who did it and ran..or who DIDN'T do it. I had my mom send me a perm (no I'm not doing it myself! I'm gonna have the lady who does my hair do it. She has perms, but since I've been using Olive Oil products, I figured I should try the Olive Oil perm. I'll let you know how it turns out.
And I already said it before but...KORY WILL BE HERE SOON!! He just finished up his Hampton collegiate career. Internship Spring Semester and Graduation in MAY! YAY! Hopefully, I will be ther to see it.
I can't really think of anything else, although I'm sure more has happened. If I remember, I'll be sure to let you know.
Until Next Time!
& Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 15, 2008
New Entry Already?

*This Is How Far Away I Am From Home :(*
*Decorated trees in the city below*
I took a lot more pics but I really don't feel like uploading them right now.
Before Christina and I went to the tower, we went to Itaewon for dinner and to pick up tickets for the Alpha Phi Alpha New Year's Eve Party...yes, Black Greeks in Korea. They even have step shows on base. I really hope this party is good. zits split level (R&B and Hip Hop on the first floor and Old School on the second floor), 2 buffets (you know I love food, free party favors and prizes, free campaign at midnight (you have to pay for the rest of your alcohol) and breakfast at 1. sounds good huh? Hopefully it will be. I'll let you know.
And I finally found the Popeye's in Korea!! Let me tell you how much I LOVE Popeye's...let me not. I would be writing for a while.
I went to school today and my supervisor asked me for my insurance number. She told me she needed it to take the taxes out of my check...LIAR!! She used my insurance number to take one of my non-insurance having co-workers to the doctor's...Can I say FRAUD!!!? Maybe I need to put in a call to headquarters. I'm not footing the bill because they paid for it, but they used my name (and I know they didn't even pronounce it right), and was anyone lying and ca-kniving their way to help me when my D*** thumb was hanging off!? NO! I couldn't even get the *ITCH to answer the F'n phone! But someone gets a cold and they wanna involve themselves in fraud. I've been sick and lost my voice...all I got was an "AWW." F U ::Insert name of school here::! I guess that was my "Happy 100 days gift..."
Ok...I know I was at a 22, I'm bringing it back down to a 4. But that ISH really P*SSED me off when I found out. That's ok. I got mine. I'll let you know how when I leave the country.
Kory will be here in 2 weeks, 5 hours and 19 minutes! Still Counting.
Until Next Time!
DAY 100!!!
I've met a lot of cool people that I would have never been included in my social circle. (It's not that I'm stuck up or anything, but when you're in an environment that you are familiar with, you tend to surround yourself with people and things that you know and who have the same interest.) People that I am glad to have in my network of friends to share this experience with and will definitely keep in contact with when its all over.
What will the next 100 days bring? Stay tuned and see :)
Until Next Time!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Day Off!!! Well Kinda
I have a full week planned for when Kory gets here. We're gonna do a bus tour, go to a New Year's party hosted by Alpha Phi Alpha (that's right...Black Greeks in Korea!), go skiing (hopefully), experience a norebang, take a tour of the DMZ, visit a palace, go to the COEX, and go to Seoul Tower. Sounds ambitious huh? We probably won't be able to do everything, but can't I dream? I'll let you know how much stuff we actually get done.
Our director bought us pizza the other day. I had sweet potato pizza which was actually pretty good.
I bought some cute leather gloves today. I'm gonna have to break them in, but the go fabulous with my new coat!
I still don't know what Kory is getting me. I guess I'll have to wait like normal people...geesh.
Until Next Time!
Friday, December 12, 2008
I don't think I've mentioned that the DVD player on my comp is dead and dell want to charge me to fix it...YEA RIGHT! You put the P*SS Poor software on my computer and now you want me to pay you for something that's your fault?? KEEP DREAMING!
So Mommie sent me my Dad's portable DVD player. It was all well and good, me watching I Love Lucy and all until it died. No biggie. I'll just plug it into my converter and charge it...NOT! As soon as I plugged that bad boy in POP!! CRACKLE CRACKLE SMOKE!!! Yup...its out of service. D***! SO now all of my Christmas DVDs are gonna go to waste. The Cosby Show, I Love Lucy, Sex and the City (The complete Series plus the movie), The Mummie, Gilmore Girls, you name it, its done. I'm glad Kory will be here with his comp in a couple of weeks. I'll have a temporary relief. Why don't I buy a Korean portable DVD player? Because they are region specific and I won't be able to play my US DVDs in the Korean DVD player. UGH! So if there is anyone out there in Korea that wants to hang out and watch some DVDs, let me know. We can make a party out of it!
Kory told me I'm getting a Christmas present but he won't tell me what it is. Now this may seem normal to you, but growing up in a house where my Mom couldn't keep secrets. So I knew about almost all of my Christmas presents (unless she just didn't say anything at all about it), surprise parties, you name it, I knew. My first party I didn't know about was my going away party. Somehow, she kept that a secret. But now they're both (Mommie and Kory) are keeping secrets from me and its driving me crazy! I have to wait 2 weeks! I know about the stuff my mom is sending, and if there is something I don't know about, she won't say "you have a surprise." She'll just wait for me to open it. But now I'm over here like a crackhead waiting for a hit off my pipe...Geez. Somebody help me. If you know what Kory got me, please tell me. It would be much appreciated!
Nothing much more to report on. Hello to all of you who read. I hope you find my blog amusing/entertaining. And if you're in Korea, Say hey. I'm not mean (contrary to what you may read) and I don't bite.
Until Next Time!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's Been A While...
We go a new teacher at school. So I'm no longer the "newbie" or the youngest. He's 22 also, but he was born in July...that's right I have two months on him. He was born here in Korea but moved to Oregon, so he does have one up on me.
Anyway, my coworkers and I went out last night to welcome him and say "goodbye" to Zack who will be leaving next week.
This past weekend, Christina and I went to Myeong-dong to do some shopping. Well was I in love...Nine West, The Gap, Guess, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Reebok, Addidas and the list goes on which includes many Korean stores as well. And the icing on the cake...Forever 21. Now this wasn't the Forever 21 you're thinking of. This is one that has a doorman, four gigant-a-normous floors, and tons of dressing rooms (here in Korea, you usually can't try stuff on. You just have to guess-ta-mate and go). And there weren't the cheap looking clothes there that fall apart after two runs through the washer. No, There was some really good looking stuff there. I got 2 sweaters, two long sleeve shirts, and a tank top for 94,000 won. Not too bad I think. I will definitely be going back. After shopping, we went to Burger King (my first time since I've been here). While shopping, it began to snow and it was so pretty. It wasn't the first snowfall of the season, but it is the first one that I had seen (the last two were when I was in my dungeon, so I didn't get to see it).
After shopping, we went to Itaewon and I got my eyebrows done. If you know me, you know that my eyebrows have a love affair going on and love to meet in the middle. That's right, I was developing that horrible unibrow, so I had to get some help for that. For 10,000, I was escorted to a private room, laid on a bed thing, had my hair pulled back and had my eyebrows waxed, tweezed and clipped. Not bad looking either. But they don't look the way Shavanni (my hair stylest who also does my eyebrows) has them looking. I like mine a little long, arched, and thin. Right now, they're average, arched and a little wider than I prefer, but hey, there's two of them and not one so I'm happy.
After my waxing, we went to a French place to have dessert. I had some apple looking thing with ice cream which was very good. As it continued to snow, Christina and I debated if we should go somewhere and get some fries. Although I did have some earlier, I could always go for more fries. But remembering warnings from family members and friends not to come home fat, I decided to pass (I'm getting stronger!!). But we were both craving a blooming onion from Outback, so that's where we are going tomorrow since we both have half days (maybe I'm not as strong as I thought :( )
Speaking of half days, remember I was supposed to have half days on Tues & Thurs until this Thursday...well, I left school at 7pm today, stopped at the store to get some milk and ice pops (my alternative for chips), I made it home and took some Tylenol pm cause I was gonna eat and call it an early night. Well, as soon as I sat down at my computer, my cell phone rang. It was my supervisor asking where I was. I told her I was home and she continued with, "but you have class." Uhhh... no I don't. The old desk teacher told me I didn't have class until Thurs. She said I had 3 students who were waiting for me. UGH! So I had to trek it back to school, 35 mins after class started, but I made sure I had the note the desk teacher wrote telling me I didn't have class. She saw that it was not my fault and said ok.
And speaking of my supervisor, she told me when I first got here that all of my utilities were gonna be taken right out of my check so I didn't have to worry about paying them. So why the H*** did I get a shut off notice on my door saying that they were going to shut off my electric today if it didn't get paid (this all being in Korean of coarse)!!?? So I took it to school and showed her and she informs me that she misunderstood what my landlord told her. She thought he meant everything, but clearly, the money taken out does not include electric. But I didn't even have the bills anymore cause she told me to throw them out! UGH!! So she called the company and got my account number and told me they would extend it to tomorrow...big whoop! She told me I could go to the ATM machine and pay it, but I couldn't. SO I have to go to work tomorrow at 1pm so she can help me. The bill is only 39,000 won for Sept-Nov, which isn't bad, but I would have liked to pay it on time so that the people here wouldn't think I'm some lazy, non bill paying American... but I guess who cares what they think right?
Nothing much more to tell. Kory will be here in 2 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours and 3 minutes!! YAY!! Also, I've been talking to a girl who will be here in a little over a week. She's coming to visit a friend and hopefully we can meet up while she's here.
My 31 days of Christmas is continuing. I've gotten so much stuff so far and its only the 9th (thanks Mommie!!!)!!! At the end of the 31 days, I'll try to take a picture of everything.
That's all for now.
Until Next Time!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Stars Don't Fall on Seoul
After our shopping trip, we went to Butterfinger Pancakes. Butterfinger Pancakes is a small American like diner where they give you large portions and the majority of the menu is filled with breakfast entrees. The food was delicious and I stuffed my face. I had waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, white sausage, breakfast sausage seasoned potatoes and a hot apple latte. Afterwards, all I could do is crawl home and lay out on the bed.
Monday, I went to school and came home. Tuesday, I went to school, and afterwards, I decided to go to the airport bus stop to see what time the first bus leaves for the airport. No, I'm not packing up and heading for the states (not yet anyway), but Kory will be here and his plane gets in at 5:15am!!!! I'm so excited!!! Kory is coming to town in 3 weeks and 6 days!! That's right! The countdown begins!!
So while I was traveling to the stop, I got on the wrong bus that takes me to the airport bus. So I decided to walk to where I needed to go. While walking, I observed my neighborhood and all the things that are in it. Also, I looked up at the sky and didn't see not a single star. "Well AviEllé, maybe it was cloudy out" you say? NOPE. The sky was just as clear as it wanted to be. I could see the bright moon. "Well AviEllé, you do live in a bright city" you say? Well yes I do. But I also live in a bright city in the states and I am always able to point out Orion's Belt, The Big and Little Dippers, and the North Star. "Well AviEllé, you are in Korea" you say? SO THE F*** WHAT! What the H*** does that have to do with me seeing the stars? Do they not have stars in Asia?? Come on. We are all intelligent. That is just a horrible excuse. You know what I think the reason is that I can't see the stars? Cause this is an extremely polluted city. More so than cities I know and have been to at home. I thought it was worse at home, but in NYC, when I'm at Kory's house, I can look up and see the stars as bright as day. D*** Korea! Clean it up!
My 31 days of Christmas has started!! My first three gifts, the first season of 'The Cosby Show,' 'I Love Lucy,' and a book that I've been wanting to read. I've also finished my Christmas shopping. Everything has been ordered (after a long 2 hours of figuring out how to use my Korean debit card on American sites). It feels good to have my own money to buy gift. And I can give things that I know people really want.
Anywho, I have found out that two of my students in my Wed/Sat class have ADD. No, I am not classifying them as this because they are bad. They truly have ADD. One gets up and runs out of the class and hides. Or when I turn my back, he hides under my desk. He also shouts things out like "Teacher! Give me cigarettes, Marijuana, Cocaine!" I try to keep him as quiet as possible. The other, gets up, walks around my small classroom, takes peoples things, puts them in the trash. And then sits back down as if nothing has happened. Then, the two of them proceed to wrestle in the middle of the floor while I'm teaching. Geez Louise! But if that is all I have to deal with this term, I won't complain. After school, I went to the store to get some trash bags and water.
On a more depressing note, I've started paying on my school loans...yes, I will be in debt for the next 100 years of my life :( ...unless I write a book. So that's what I've decided to do. I'm going to write a book. And if it goes well, hopefully I will be able to pay off my loans! Wouldn't that be great!! What do you think? I would love your feedback. But unfortunately, since I will be working on my manuscript, my entries will not be as frequent as they usually are. I truly apologize for this sudden abruptness, but a sista gots to do what a sista gots to do.
So that's all for now. Not much else to talk about.
Until Next Time!