So first, my mother is no longer aloud to leave the country unless we are going to the Carribbean...or Europe. If it's not either of those two, she won't venturing beyond the 50 states.
I remember telling you about going to the Science Museum but finally, here are some pictures.
I went to the Cherry Blossm Festival. I'm gonna have to steal pics from someone because I lost my memory card.
I don't remember anything else exciting happening in April, but if I remember, I'll let you know. But here are some pictures of my students from my Tera class.
I went on a church retreat north of Seoul (close to North Korea actually. I should have paid a visit to Kim Jong Il and shoved one of his own missles up his "you knw where," but I didn't think that would be proper behavior on a church retreat) May 1-3 to Holy Mountain Jesus Town...yes, that is the name. Don't know who gave it that name, but it leave me reaching out for my inhaler (which isn't even in the country) evertime I say it. There was so much going on, I only managed to take a few pictures...

*New Philadelphia Church* *The Retreat Center* *The Building*

*Jee and Me* *Me, Lisa and Brother Michael*
I celebrated my birthday on Children's Day (Cinco de Mayo!!), and my brother celebrated his the day before. Although I had to work (which I was late for), my birthday had a great start. I went to a Temple and then to lunch with some friends from church.
*Me...a new 23* *Nara, Min Suk, Mina, Erin* *Me and Erin*

Top*Min Suk, Jessie, Megan (My dicipler), Brother Michael* Bottom*Nara, Erin, Me, Mina*
I also got a call from home on my BDay. There was an emergency so I left for the states that Friday the 8th and I came back to Korea on the 19th. While I was gone, a lot had changed. My school had changed from a franchise to a branch meaning the owners and my contract changed. I got the short end of the stick on my contract, but I still have a job. However, they tried to short me my pay check...Now, they thought swine flu was a problem, clearly that have not seen Diary of a Mad Black Woman. But I think someone recently showed them a clip, because I received a phone call this morning informing me that everthing would be cleared up and they were even going to pay me extra for the inconveience. I guess they didn't want me to go Madea on them. No Sir. But anway, I'm thankful.
Also, this swine flu thing is crazy. In the airport in Tokyo, coming and going, everyone was walking around with masks on and we weren't allowed to gett off of the plane until eveyone's body had been scanned with this thermal machine...CRAZY!! But the crazier (I know its not a word) part is 200 people get Swine Flu, everyone wants to wear a mask. Millions of people have AIDS and still won't "wrap it up" I mean, I'm just sayin... Anyone agree??
Also, when I came back, my school wanted me to go to the hospital to be checked for swine flu, but the day before, it was found out that someone who was training to become a teacher had it and the whole school, nation wide, had to do a self qurantine, all the foreign teachers anyway. So for 9 days, I was in my tiny little room, or that's what I'll let my school believe anyway >) Finally we were free and the Summer Term (My Last Term!!) started.
Since the term started a little over a week late, that means it is going to end late, August 30. My Visa expires September 2, so that means...I'LL BE HOME 2 WEEKS EARLY!!!!!
I'm very excited, but that also means I'm going to have to say goodbye to a lot of friends that I have made since being here.
My church is going on missions trips to Cambodia, Myanmar, and Australia next month. I was entending on going to Cambodia, but since my school likes to be difficult, there is a new rule that if you leave the country, you have to do a mandatory qurantine when you return, which is unpaid. They're really over the top with this swine flu thing. If I was to go, I wouldn't return to school until 2 weeks before I would leave and in that event, they told me if I went, I don't need to come back because it makes no sense working for 2 weeks and then leaving. Plus they would consider that as me breaking my contract. So, I'm not going to Cambodia =( I guess it's just not my time to go out to the masses.
This past weekend, my church had a soccer game against the kids of an orpanage a member works at. We had a lot of fun and the kids are really good players. They won the Orphange Championship (aganist other orphanages in Seoul). But New Philadelphia ended up winning 3-0. (and my jersey comes nect week!)Afterwards, we took the kids out to dinner.

*The Kids Warming Up*Our Team Trying 2 Look the Part*Pastor Christian Attempting 2 Get His Head Over The Bar*

*Group Prayer B4 The Game*Exhausted Members Look On From The Seesaw As New Philly Wins*
After dinner, because we were in my neighborhood, I decided to walk home. However, someone (he will remain nameless) pointed me in the wrong direction and I ended up lost and having to pee really bad >( So I started walking in the direction a sign was pointing to showin the nearest subway station. All stations have decent bathrooms and I can find my way home from any subway line. but with every step I took, the urge to go got stronger and stronger >( ::I think I can, I think I can, I think I can:: Finally I just couldn't go any farther. Thankfully, it was well past 10:30 so it was pretty dark, so I popped a squat behind a car and just let the juice flow (haha). Afterwards, I tried to get in a cab to go home but apparently, I was very close to where I needed to go and the driver refused to go that short of a distance. So I began walking in the direction he pointed in and found myself even more lost. I was on the verge of tears when I found a cab who was willing to take me the short distance. He was very pleasant and spoke pretty good English. By the time I got out the cab, the meter still hadn't moved (I was that close). Oh wellz. I made it home and had a mini adventure.
Kory also graduated from Hampton...Welcome to the Real World!

*Hampton 2008* *Hampton 2009*