Hello Everyone!! If you didn't know I'll be more than happy to inform you...I HAVE INTERNET!!! That's right. I finally got an ethernet cord on Thursday and have been on the internet ever since. I know I shoukd have posted an entry sooner but I've been trying to get back on track with everything that I've missed.
Anyway, do you remember the last entry I posted when I was going home to toast up some chicken? Well it didn't really go as I had planned. I put the toaster oven's cord in the convertor and plugged the convertor into the wall. All the sudden I was hearing popping and cracking noises... the darn convertor was smoking!!! All I thought was "The roof! The roof! The roof is on FIRE! We don't need no water let that M*****F***** Burn! Burn! Burn Muther Burn!" ::OK. Back to reality:: So I hurried up and unplugged it and let the smoke die down. I thought everytime I'm up, here comes something to smack me down. But I don't want to be negative. I tried to look at the bright side. At least it wasn't worse. At least I was able to fix the situation. I had planned on running to the curb to take the trash out (yup...I have to take my trash out. No one to do it for me :( ) but I decided to wait. Good thing I did or I could have came back to something a lot worse than some smoke.
Soo... After I unplugged the convertor and took the chicken out I was still hungry. I couldn't eat cold chicken. So I put it in a pot and turned on my "stove top." The chicken cracked and popped but it made some grease and actually got crispy! I also had some bread, an orange, and some chocolate cake for dinner. While I was enjoying my feast, I watched "Why Did I Get Married?" until my computer died. Since I was reduced to one charger and am using a second monitor as my screen, I couldn't finish the entire movie. I needed another convertor. BAD!
*DINNER* I went to school the next day feeling a little down because I only had one convertor, no internet, and no information as to when I was supposed to be getting my Alien Registration Card or opening up my bank account. I spoke to Janice and she told me I probably had the wrong cord and had someone talk to me about what I needed for my internet. Someone who had lived in my building before knoew exactly what I needed and told me he would bring me a cord the next day. Janice also gave me a list of things I needed to get my ARCard. On it said 3 passport sized pictures. I didn't have anymore so I would have to find somewhere to get some done.I only had a half a day of classes on Wednesday (4-7pm and will be the case every Wednesday for this term), so I decided to go to the mall that was by the Dragon Hill Spa... you remember...Saddam and Gomorrah. Well in the mall there is a HUGE electronics store. I mean levels and levels of anything and everything you can think of. I had to go there because I figured I could another convertor for a reasonable price. I had to catch three trains to get there and when I transferred to the second train, I got on in the wrong direction. So I had to get off and turn around. By the time I got there, it had already closed. I wasn't too upset. I had killed some time, and I atleast knew how to get there. I found out that they opened at 10:30am and decided to go back in the morning.
I went home and started to make dinner (the same exact thing I had the night before), make a video of my "apartment," and finish watching "Why Did I Get Married?" Anyway... What you all have been waiting for... MY APARTMENT!! Here it is. ENJOY! (Click on the link)
So what did you think? Was it everything you expected and more?? Yea... I didn't think so either. Anywho... after I finished my movie, I went to bed.
I got up Thursday morning because I had a lot I wanted to do. I had to go the electronics mall, go to the immigration office, and open a bank account. I headed out and made it back to Youngsan Station (where the mall is). I walked in and was amazed. The third floor (where I walked in) was nothing but cameras. Any and every brand, type, color, and style you could think of. I asked around for a convertor and was told to go to the fifth floor. I went up two levels and was surrounded by nothing but computers. Tons and tons and tons of them. Just like the cameras, every brand, color, model, anything you could think of it was there. and for a really great price. Cheaper than what you would pay back in the states. That is definately where I will be purchasing my new Apple MacBook from :)
I asked around and finally someone understood what I was talking about. He pulled out this little compact convertor that was perfect but he only had one. I asked how much and he told me 2,000 won!! What!? I paid 15,00 a piece for the other two I had. I jumped on it and ran before he realized what he had just did. Amazed at the great price I had just bought my convertor for, I decided to look around to see if anyone had anymore. I wnet to another man and showed him what I just bought. he pulled out a whole pack of them and told me they were 500 wom each. I was floored. I thought I had gotten over on the other man, but clearly he got over on me! I could have bought four for what I paid for one. But it was ok. I was glad I found them and at a good price. So I bought 2 from him and left the mall happy with my purchases. Although I could have saved money, I saved a bundle compared to what I bought the first two convertors for. I will definately be back there.
After I left the mall, I got back on the train and headed for the Seoul immigration office. I finally got there. Filled out my application and took a number. about 20 minutes later my number was called and it turned out that I didn't have the correct paperwork. So I left and went to school highly upset. I didn't even go open my bank account. I went to my head instructor and she told me blah blah blah but she gave me the paper that they told me I needed.
After that I got ready for my class. One of the teachers brought me the ethernet cord i needed to connect to the internet. I was so excited I couldn't wait for school to be over. My first class went well, but that second one... I wanted to use some choice words on those little... (fill in your own words here)...
So after class I just about ran home hooked up the eternet cord. plugged in my laptop and monitor and WAH-LAH!!! INTERNET!!
I was so happy I was on it all night. I finally went to bed around 4am. I wanted to watch "The Family That Preys."
I woke up Friday morning back on the internet. I had lots to do. Catch up on the presidential campaigns...let's not even get into it..., catch up on my facebook, emails, aim, the whole nine. Then, I left to go open my bank account and to go back to the immigration office. I opened my account (I have a debit card and everything), got my bankbook, and put a couple dollars in it. Then, I left for the immigration office. When I got there, I filled out another application and pulled a number...188. I looked up and I saw 142! WTF! I did not have time to be waiting there all day. An hour later, they were only on 154...155...156 came and no one got up so you know I did. I saw an opportunity and I took it. It's not like they were checking numbers anyway. And I got out about two hours before I would have.
So after I left I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get a large Coolatta... Their large here is a small at home. But anyway, it was delicious on such a hot day.
I headed for school because it made no sense to go home for a couple minutes then leave again. So I got to school, surfed the internet a little then it was time for class. Both classes went well and I went home to eat the last of my chicken. Then I went to bed because I had class Saturday at 2.
I woke up Saturday and went to school (only had one class) then I went to dinner with Christina. Since neither of us could read Korean, we settled for another meal at Outback. After Outback, we parted ways but plannned to meet up the next day for the Korean International Art Fair.
So Sunday came around and I got up and left to meet Christina. We went with one of her co workers. We had lunch at the Coex, met up with some other people and went to the Art Fair, did a little shopping (them not me) had dinner and went home. I must say, taing those Humanities classes definately opened my eyes to art and helped me interpret the meaning of different pieces in ways that I would have never done before. So thank you Hampton. Not just for the Caberets, Holland Jams, The Legion and house parties (you know...shake ya booty 101 to 404. Yup, I mastered every level), but for Ogden Hall, Humanities 201 and 202, the University Museum, Harvey Library and so much more. I guess my "bourgeois" (what some people like to refer to it as) education got me more than what some people think. ;-) Below were some paintings that I really liked...

After we left for the evening, we headed for the subway and all took the same train. Their station was first on the subway then I got off to take the bus that stops right in front of my apt. Well...I 15 minute bus ride turned into an hour plus bus ride and I was back where I started. I know what you're thinking...I missed my stop. NO! He never turned down my street. I know exactly what my building and street look like and he never went past it. I try to explain to him but he's speaking to me in Korean like I'm fluent. I just said never mind and got back on the train, and took the long way home. However, this time the darn bus was the long way home. I had to run to make the train and the connection because the train stops running at midnight and it was close to 11:30. I finally made it home and I don't think I will ever take the bus again. I'm more of a subway girl anyway.
I went out last night with my co workers. We went to two bars and I got home around 3am.I was inebriated, but my face was a little numb.
So nothing spectacular has happened these past couple of days, except for me catching a bad cold, but now that I have you caught up on my "Happenings," my next entries should be a little more detailed.
Hope this fed your fancy! Until Next Time!
Im sooo glad you finally got internet.... its like the best thing that can evere happen to you while u were there lol. Now I can talk to you wenever i want for FREE! Anyway, I enjoy reading up on your life. Im proud of you as always, stay strong and get well. Get some tylenol and plenty of rest. I wish I was there to take care of you. But your a big girl now and im sure you can manage lol. Love you Bookie!
P.S.... Yo that shower is FOOLISH!! LOL, you a soldier for making it with that lol! I know the projects in my neighborhood doin better than that! But that just proves to me how strong i knew you were. Keep it up Babygurl.
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