I still don't have a computer in my classroom, but I did take some pictures of it to show you what it looks like.
I told you it was small. But it's good for me. I can say "My classroom." I also took some pictures of my EC3 class (yea, one of my classes who wants to blow up Japan, do away with Lee Myung-bak and also Bushy (as they call him).

*Them being nosey. Someone was getting yelled at in the hallway*
*My chicken lover, Pi, drawing you guessed it...a chicken on the board*

I've also been eating quite well. My trips to E-mart and Costco have left me happy. Mommy also sent me brown rice, flavored rice, and tasty kakes so I'm in hog heaven!
Wednesday was my anniversary with Kory. It was really hard being away and there was a problem with communication, but it was worked out. The day was good. We had bagels for breakfast and penne pasta for dinner. I got dressed up and curled my hair. Kory also got my present and he seemed to really like it so I'm happy.
Christina and I decided to give looking for a cell phone another try (3rd times a charm)... and we got them! Yes, I am an official member of LGTelecom (LG...Life's Good!). And my phone only cost 10,000 won, which is about 7 USD. And it's a new phone. I bought a phone number on skype so everyone at home, to call me you won't have to pay the international fee. Just call my skype number and it will be like you're calling me in NJ. I am officially reconnected to the Cell Phone Community! I missed you all.
My grandma is a little sick so please pray for her. She'll be ok, but I don't like it when someone is sick, and now that I'm on the other side of the world and can't do anything, I really don't like it. I'm just glad that she'll be fine.
I went to look for somewhere to take Korean classes but so far, classes have already started and I won't be able to join a class until January. But Christina is taking one so whatever she learns she will pass on to me. I definately need to know how to say more than "thank you." But a good thing is that there is an English-Korean translator on my cell phone. So I will be using that quite often.
I performed my civic duty today! I received my absentee ballot in the mail on Tuesday. Because I am in an Asian country, I was able to FedEx my ballot back for free!! Now, don't ask me what an Asian country has to do with American voting...I don't know. It was free and the Board of Elections will have it tomorrow. So who cares!? I also watched the last presidential debate Thursday morning. I'm very happy that Obama didn't talk about past administration, just about his plans which was good. And I dunno, maybe I'm being biased, but McCain can't hear. Every time Obama answered a claim he made, he would respond as if Obama never spoke on the topic. And this is who some people want for president?? An old fogy who needs to change his hearing aid battery? (And please, I am not dissing people with hearing aids, I need one at times)
Him and his pit bull need to go enter the Kentucky Derby because all they're good for is running their mouth.
Anyway... I know I've been jumping from one thing to the other in this entry. I've been having a little trouble focusing lately. I figure I just need a little more sleep.
I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you very much. I'm bout to go eat and watch some Gilmore Girls.
Until Next Time!
Hey babygirl,
Well, your kids certainly can't go to sleep in that classroom. And speaking of kids, they are the oldest looking 4,5, & 6 graders that I've seen. Maybe they're like China, and lie about their children's ages, but instead of the olympics it's the classroom. maybe they feel that the younger you are the easier it is to learn english. that's certainly how we look at second languages....lol
Glad you're finally back in the world.
Have a great weekend!
luv and miss ya much
Awww look at the little rugrats. Lol i like your classroom, its...... different. Why didnt u tell them to make it purple. I kno u wud have liked that. You shud hav taken a picture of your phone too. But make sure u get your sleep at night and take care of yourself. I miss you very much and i really enjoyed your gift, i cant put it down. My gift didnt compare to that so im gonna have to think harder now. You've raied the bar. lol. Love you very much. Im praying for you.
P.S.- You got black, korean and now french men chasin you?? Man, my bookie just got it goin on huh? LOL!
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