Our First Family is Black! Somebody pinch me!
We did it! Not just Black people, but ALL people. WE DID IT! AIN'T NO STOPPING US NOW!! November 4th, 2008 will be a day that is forever remembered throughout history.
So now that the pieces have been put into place, we all need to begin to change. We can't place all of our hopes and dreams as well our problems on the shoulders of our new President elect. Change needs to begin with us and here is our chance.
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We've been waiting on the world to change, and I think the playing field just leveled out. We are no longer standing at a distance. But first we need to start with ourselves. As arrogant as we may be, the world watches the US. As I was walking home, there was a man on the corner listening to Obama's speech. Clearly, everyone sees everything we do, and lately, it has not been too good. So maybe with a new President, we can again be seen as a nation of achievers not only making our country a better place, but also our world (if anything, I know the world is celebrating out victory as well).
American has been handed back to its people. "Manifest Destiny" has a whole new meaning.
Yes we have a new President. Yes, it is very possible that there is a better future in the sights of most Americans, but how can we expect things to get better if we don't do what is needed to better ourselves. We need to recognize the power that is in our hands and use it to acheive a common goal.
We as African Americans need to encourage Black children that they can become more than athletes, drug dealers and rappers. They can be doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and even President. We need to stop bringing each other down with violence and drugs. And we need to remember our roots, our culture, where we came from. We need to go into our communities and initiate the change that we so desperately desire.
As Americans, we need to stop looking at each other like we are crayons in a Crayola box, but individuals with character, dreams, hope, and so much more. This is a big step, so we all need to step up.
Don't be upset when the Heavens don't immediately open because we have an African American man as President; when the stocks don't magically rise on Wall Street because we're chanting "O-BAM-A;" and last but not least, don't be quick to cast judgement because Ganja still won't be on the approved list of drugs and all minorities don't suddenly become wealthy because Barak is a minority in the White House and can "relate." Change may come slowly, but it will come (but probably not the Ganja). And it will be because of the combined effort of Americans. Barak Obama is not God. He is human like the rest of us. So treat him as such. When he makes a mistake, don't stone him. All we can hope for is that he rises above the corruption and scandal in Washington politics and beats it, keeps his promises, and works hard for a better America.
Also, keep him and the safety of his family in your prayers. Just because a Black man is President doesn't mean we still don't have "Crazy Bubba" and his redneck hillbilly buddies running around.
And have you heard the new ISH? "Obama's not Black...he's bi-racial." I'm not even gonna comment.
"They didn't give us 40 acres and a mule, but we D*** sure will take 50 states and the White House!" ~Brittany H.'s Facebook Status (I Love It! LOL)
So who's is going to the Inaugural Ball in January? If you are, can I PLEASE be your guest? I have a gorgeous dress I could wear. Or maybe Barak and Joe (yea, I'm on a first name basis with them like that. lol), will have a big 'ole cookout on the White House lawn and serve fried chicken, sweet potatoes, greens, corn bread...you know, the works. Not all of us can afford a $1,700 ticket.
But anyway, be proud. WE JUST MADE HISTORY!

(Kory, I too would like to be America's first lady...::wink::wink::)
Hey Babygirl,
I guess we won't have to move into your dungeon afterall....GO OBAMA!!
Great summerazation! I'ts a great day not only for African Americans, but for all Americans.
With God's Grace & Mercy and hard work from us all, the change that has come will give us back a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
luv and miss ya much!!
I think its just starting to hit me that this country out of all countries is being lead by a black man. I hear white ppl sayin well he's half white...... call him what you want so you can sleep at night, but he is leading YOUR Country. And according to history, i thought that if you were 1/8th black, you were officially BLACK. So it dont matter! And it is very inspirational seeing him and his family (and their new puppy) move into the white house. Maybe I will make you that first lady...... It wont be a white house but it will be house tho. LOL
Love you Bookie!
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