So not much going on over here on the other side of the waters. But tomorrow will be my 5th month in Korea!! I figured if I waited to post an entry until the actual day it would never get done. Like I wanted to blog about my 555th hour of teaching, but I forgot. That's right, total I have taught over 555 hours (5 is my lucky number so that's why I like it)! But I can't believe time has gone by so fast. I remember when I was saying 1 week, 51 more to go. LOL
I'm about to go postal on my school. Yea, they annoy me to no end and the new teacher thinks so too, so I'm not the crazy one.
One of my students threw a temper tantrum (yes, in Korea) yesterday because I made her sit next to a boy because she wouldn't stop talking. I told her if she ever slammed anything in my classroom again, she would never walk through that door again. Then she cried and I told her I didn't care. Am I a bad teacher? I just don't think I should have to deal with temper tantrums...GROW UP! and she's 13...
I went to look for Kory's Valentine's Day gift today and the shop I was going to was 1pm. So I'll try again on Saturday after work. I'm not gonna say what I'm getting him because he occasionally checks for my updates and I don't wanna spill the beans, but as soon as he knows, you will too!
I've been working since last Wednesday...straight, and I'm exhausted, I think I'm gonna go prematurely gray. Lots of hair dye will definitely be in my immediate future. Or maybe I'll get a "henna rinse" like Lucy. What do you think?? LOL
It's time for student evaluations again and I'm actually ahead of the game. They're do next Tuesday (I got the e-mail today...Thanx for the proper notice...) and I already have my 2 biggest classes done. I'm pretty proud of myself.
I'm going to a Korean wedding on Sunday. One of the desk teachers that I really liked quit a couple of months ago to prepare for her wedding and it's finally here! I got my invitation a couple weeks ago and I think Kara and Christina are gonna come with me. Don't worry, I'm gonna take lots of pictures (as long as its culturally acceptable). I'm still up in the air about what I'm gonna wear...slacks or a skirt. If I wear a skirt, it would look best in my pumps which of course are under my bed in New Jersey! LOL I didn't think I would need them in Korea. But does anyone have any suggestions? (I had to explain the word "suggestion" to one of my lower level kids. She told me she understood, but I don't know.)
I can't believe my second term is already almost over and next comes Spring term! and my birthday and Mommie and KJ's visit and Kory's graduation. It'll be a busy next couple of months but I'm looking forward to it.
Speaking of Kory, we've been having some pretty deep conversations and that's one of the reasons why I love him, we talk about almost EVERYTHING. Well, I guess that is what you look for when trying to find a soul mate, I think I may have found mine <3
Really not much else to talk about but if I think of something I will let you know.
Until Next Time!
Oh, wait I do have another surprise, its great actually but I don't want Kory to know until August. Maybe I'll make up another "secret" blog that he won't know about and tell you, but I guess its not a secret if he's reading now...HI KORY!!
...I'll try to tell you in code ;)
Hey Babygirl,
do I know about the other surprise? You can tell me, you know I wont tell Everett.
I told you time would fly, I cant believe that I haven't seen you in person in five months!!! Even though we talk at least twice-a-day, it's not the same.
Hey, we got snow!!! Woke up this morning to about 7". It's pretty soft and it wasn't icy this morning, so I didn't have an excuse to stay home, (then again, when have I ever needed an excuse?)
Sounds like things are going well on your side of the water. Stay away from airheads, (you know the one i'm talking about), wouldn't want it to rub off.
Enjoy the rest of your week, can't wait to hear about the wedding.
Luv and miss ya much!!!
sounds like a balst. i lived in nigeria for 16 months for my first post doc, and 2 6 month stints in senegal (2nd post docs). I have only lived in africa outside of us including ethiopia and s. africa for past 5 summer. enjoy.
u write well. nice blog folk chk me out sometime and maybe u will read some of my books one day.
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