Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Think I Hate Kids...OK. Not Really. But I'm D*** Sure Am Getting Close!!!!

OK, so remember last week when I was liking my Tues/Thurs Mega class. Well, that was only temporary because I can't stand those little B*******! I also can't stand my EC3 class. The one that I showed you pictures of. Thank goodness next week is the last week of the term. I dunno how much more of this I can take. But with my luck, I'll get them all again next term. UGH!
And they got their level up results and it was just as I predicted. Except for one girl. I dunno how in the world she passed. She is a cheater, so she was probably looking at one of the other 2 kids that passed tests'.
So I'm working on all my kids report cards. This is where I get to vent and tell the parents that their kids are stupid little pricks and will never learn English. They might as well stop wasting their money and give them something else to work on like basket weaving. Now, not all my kids got reports like these. The majority of them say how wonderful their student is, his/her enunciation of English words is very good, grammar and reading comprehension are above average, blah blah blah. It's just those 2 Mega classes and some of my EC3 who's parents should invest in another subject. Maybe "Manners 101." Can you sense the disdain and I have for these monsters??!!! They are trying to make me lose my Jesus. But they don't know that me and He have a tight relationship. Nothing can break our bond. Not even these little jerks.
Tuesday was "Pepero Day" here in Korea. "Pepero Day" is like Korean Valentine's Day. You exchange chocolates and gifts with other people and Pepero sticks (To wish someone to grow as long and slender as a Pepero stick). They are these stick things dipped in chocolate and may have something extra on or in them. The kids that I actually like brought me boxes of these and I gave some out. They are so cute. They said "Teacher here. Pepero Sticks for Pepero Day!" Those will be the kids that I will really miss next term.
I also got my hair done on Tuesday. And the thought that Black people can do Black hair is a D*** LIE!!! THAT IS SOME TRUE BS!! Now I was told that this woman does braids really well, but the way she had my hair looking was a disgrace. To all of the African American females reading this, do you remember back in the day when you got your hair pressed, and then would go and run around outside with your friends and 2 hours later your hair is so thick you can't even scratch your scalp?? Well add that to about 4 handfuls of coconut grease (you know that ISH is thick) and you get what 4 hrs of what her P*S* POOR WORK amounted to. I had to come home and flat iron it again. My poor hair wouldn't even curl. It said "F you! How dare you let that Hoe do me like this!" And I had no words after my hair cussed me out. Although her words were muffled by all the grease pounded on her, I still got her point loud and clear. So, my hair isn't speaking to me and its hard to style her because I only have one good hand. She told me that until I give her the love and care she deserves, we won;t be friends. You just don't know what my hair and I have been through. Bleaching (YES!), lots of highlights, braids, cornrows, twist, my moose stage, gel and jam, and just recently, weave. Out all of that, my hair was always by my side (rather my head), but this time she is hot. So I am again looking for someone to do my hair. I got a couple more numbers, but am a little reluctant to try them out. If my hair really gets mad she might just fall all out. And then what the H*** will I do? I know it may sound vain, but I've always been known as "the girl with the thick long hair." If I lose it, I will just be know as "the girl." So lets all hope that my hair and I get back on speaking terms and I find someone to treat her right before I am able to use my thumb.
On a much lighter note, I'm going out to dinner on Saturday for Andrea's birthday. She invited the girls to Dulkalbi (a Korean dish) at one of the restaurants in her area. I was a little skeptical at first (there is actually no duck. just chicken), but it is actually delicious. So I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm also going to Lotte World on Sunday. Lotte World is an amusement part here in Seoul. Again, it'll will be us girls hanging out and riding roller coasters all day. I love roller coasters. But my roommate from Jr & Sr year was looking at amusement parks and found out the South Korea had the most amusement park accidents... am I still going?? YES! This is the same person who got on "Superman" at Six Flaggs after it got stuck the same day 2x. But don't worry. I'll be sure to blog when I get back. I hope they have some funnel cake there. And I guess it would be pushing it to want a turkey leg huh?
Nothing much else going on, but if something does, I'll be sure and blog about. For now, my stroganoff is calling!
Until Next Time!


Anonymous said...

Well since you wont take my advice and just pinch or punch them little devils, I guess failing them would be a good alternative. But I wouldnt mind being a substitute teacher from hell wen i come visit you. If I am elected as your substitute teacher, I promise that they will know how to behave and not give Teacher Avi a hard time. I promise they will be slapped acorss the mouth for talking back. I promise they will respect my authority as well as Teacher Avi. So vote for me! Lol.... and dont worry, your hair will come around. I miss playing with your hair, your long thick brown hair and the pony tail i used to pull when i saw your walking sophomore year. But if you go bald, I'll just rub your head and still love you the same :) lol. I still dont know how I feel about you getting on those rides.... well I do know how I feel. DONT DO IT! I dont want anything to happen to you. So get on the merry go round.... thats it. Do you hear me?! IM SERIOUS!! Im watching you woman..... I love you Bookie. Have fun... except at the amusement park.

Dolce said...

Lol I feel horrible for you, hopefully next term the kids will be better. So far, my friends out there like their classes. It surprises me that, with as structured as korea is, the children behave badly!!

And OMg, I am feeling you on the hair thing!! I'm surprised you evn found a black person to do it actually! What style, exactly, was she trying to achieve on your head?

nikkiviolin said...

It's like that some days. Kids can be a pain. I've been teaching for years and you have good days and bad days. I had a weird day today. The kids were acting as if they were high on sugar and could not sit still. Keep praying and stay encouraged!!!

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