After our "delightful" meal, we decided to get on some rides...

In between rides we got some snacks. Popcorn chicken and fries and I got a kiwi fruit drink that made my mouth itch a lot (the list of fruits that I'm allergic to keeps getting longer and longer). After we finished the rides outside, we decided to explore the indoor park.

*I've been looking for the "Merry Holidays" sign but I still haven't found it*

After our adventure at Lotte World, we decided to get something to eat...and what did we find??... Da DA DAHHHH!!!!

After our "meal" we discovered an American store. I can't tell you the name of it because then Kory will know one of his gifts for Christmas. But we had so much fun in this store. We even took pictures with the people who worked there. I think they liked having the Americans come in and act crazy. They even gave us some free stuff. After Kory gets here and sees what he got, I'll post the pictures.
After our fun and games, we all went our separate ways and I headed for my train. I was so pooped that I fell asleep. I know...falling asleep on public transportation is a "NO NO" but I couldn't help it. But I did wake up with all of my belongings.
*Here is the "and Such" part of my entry*
I went out with my co-workers Monday night to Itaewon to celebrate two birthdays and two people leaving. There was a variety of topics that were brought up during the evening. One being Korean health care. I mentioned the conditions that my area hospital were in and I was told that in Korea, they don't put money into making the hospital sanitary and germ free. All of the money goes to the patient...That's ok. I don't mind waiting at the most 20 minutes so I can get some clean sheets on a bed and a mopped floor. They can keep that extra money. Just imagine, going from UPenn's hospital to the caddy shack out back... yea. GROSS!
Another topic was about how in the Mormon church (a co-worker of mine is Mormon), African Americans were not all lowed to be in positions of authority because we have the curse of Cain, black skin; but this rule was overturned in 1978 because someone received a message from God. I don't think it was a message that came during prayer, I think it was the type of message that another religion receives (not gonna put them out there), where God comes down and has tea and scones with the leader of the denomination and the conversation goes something like this:
Leader: Hey God. How are you doing today?
God: Pretty good. Just been thinking about some of my rules.
Leader: Really? Which ones?
God: Well, the one where un-baptized babies go to Limbo. I think I want them to come straight to Heaven. And those black people down there, maybe they too can be in a head position. I know they're black and all, but I think they've earned that right. They've been behaving themselves.
Leader: No problem God. I will get right on it.
God: And don't forget, you are the one true religion. Everyone else is going to Hell
Now, why can't the rest of us get messages like this? I guess its because they are the one true religion and the rest of us are going to hell, that is until God has another meeting and says otherwise...
Anywho, my co-worker joked about how the Mormon church was only 14 or so years behind the Civil Rights Movement and then went on to talk about how African Americans were not given our 40 acres and a mule...That's is ok with me because we got 50 STATES AND THE WHITE HOUSE!! BOOO YAHH B****!!!!!
There were other various topics that came up, but I kinda zoned out. Eh.
Anywayz, have I told you about the cultural differences between Korea and the US, at least the US that I know? So: 1. People here are utterly disgusting. That's right. Both men and women. I'm walking down the street, in the subway, where ever, and suddenly I hear this "Hacck" (you know the sound you make when you are gathering all of the crap in your mouth to the back of your throat) then spit. "F"ing DISGUSTING! And people do it all the time. Don't they have manners?? Clearly the women do not practice "Lady-like" behavior. UGH! What happened to it not being proper for a man to spit in front of a lady?? I guess that just all went out the window and "Family spits" came into play. Go spit in a D*** alley or something!! And why the H*** do they have to spit so much? Must be that D*** kimchi with all the garlic. Or maybe it's the toothpaste they use that give them the horrible smelling breath. What ever it is, they need to put it down. JUST PUT THE ISH DOWN!! 2. There is no "Remove your hat when indoors" etiquette for men. I have students who come to class and wear their hats for the entire 3 hours. I'm sorry, I didn't check the ceiling this morning. Does it look like rain?? Oh. No? THEN TAKE YOUR "F"ing HAT OFF!!! 3. People here do not use the word "excuse me" or the Korean equivalent. Since they didn't know how to use the word, I just say move, or I bump them out of the way. I've been standing in line to get on the train for 15 minutes, I know you don't think you're gonna bust your narrow A** in front of me. Not today "Ahhjimah" (what they call the Korean older women)!!!
Maybe it's the 4 years at Hampton, or all of the lady-like training I have received over the years that makes me so particualr about manners and etiquette. Whatever it is, I'm a stickler for it and anything different is just flat out WRONG!
So those are a few things that I have noticed since being here. I will let you know about the other things I find as my time here passes.
Until Next Time!
Hey Babygirl,
Glad you had fun at bootleg Disney,
America can keep the mule, (i still want my 40 acres), and Hooray! for the White (or should we rename it) House. How about the "I Have A Dream House" or "The American House"
Maybe the Korean people should carry around a pooper scooper bag and use it as a spittoon. What the heck are they eating that makes them spit so much! GROSSSSSSSSSSSS
And teach your boys how to be gentlemen, since that seems a novel concept over there.
Hope you're having a good week...
luv and miss ya much.
Sounds like you're having fun!
I hope you don't mind me saying, but you'll probably have a more enjoyable time if you consider that the concept of "etiquette" can vary widely between different cultures and nations. I agree with you that all the horking seems gross, but that's the way it is here. (I know that's not going to change our "ewwwwww" factor about it, though.)
On the other hand, if you are actually making your students take their hats off inside, that's going to really confuse them. Koreans would find it outrageous that some people wear their shoes inside back in North America. I know you've surely picked up on that.
If you're able, you could even develop a lesson plan around "manners" for your higher level students and see what sort of reaction they have to Western ideals of the "right" way to act. They'll find some of the ideas hilarious, and you can learn from them what's considered to be "sagaji-opseyo" (without manners) here! (Another interesting one is comparing "superstitions.")
I found it made my life so much easier if I set aside my hangups and tried to take in experiences of things that seem strange and different to me with an open mind, without judging everything.
Roboseyo recently wrote a cheery post on "How to Love the Heck Out of Korea" on his site. It's a good read! (I hope that link works out okay after I post this!)
P.S> Do you really hate kimchi? But it's so yummy!
Hi Bookie! Im glad you had a good time and a safe time at Lotte world (Im glad you came back alive) and that you enjoyed your week. But damn the mule!! Paint the white house black cuz we in there!! Lol.
Now now bookie, you mind your manners. Just becasue you are in the land of the rude doesnt mean you shall be conformed to their ways. You politely say excuse me and if nothing happens you proceed to kick them in the face. Thats the american way :).... I miss you so much. I have a secret! Within the next 24 hours.... i shud have a reserved seat on a certain airline to a certain destination of my choice..... which airline will it be? Where will I be going? Cast your vote now and tune in tomorrow to find out!!
I love you bookie.... cant wait to see you!
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