I realized I haven't told you about when I was on the subway and this man started talking to me. He asked where I was from and why I was in Korea. He told me he has been to Philadelphia before and than goes on to tell me how there are many Black people there and how they have very kind hearts. (1. This convo is so not appropriate. 2. Kind hearts? In Kiladelphia? I know he's never been there.) He also tells me that Korean university students love Black people because they females have very beautiful shapes and the males have very sexy style...TIME FOR ME TO GO! Now, what if I was home on the EL (the subway in Philly if you don't know) and went and sat next to a foreigner and had the same convo. I'm sure people would have some problems). Anyway, I'm glad my stop came before he could tell me anything else.
And what do you think of this picture? I didn't notice until until more than half of my ice cream bar was gone. It's a black crunch bar and the 2 pictures say "Black Boy" and "Black Girl." Just because it's chocolate means that Black people are supposed to buy it?? I don't even like chocolate like that. I just wanted it for the vanilla ice cream. So HA Koreans. I just crushed your stereotype! So far, I guess this is the only racism I've experienced (if that's what you call it). I know I won't be having another one of these Black Crunch Bars!

Saturday was Andrea and Kara's Birthday Party. We had a really good time. I made Spanish rice, Andrea made Quesidillas, Jason, the guy we met at the pub, made a cold noodle salad, Angela, a co-worker of mine, and I bought two cakes, and everyone else(about 10 other ppl) brought liquor. We ate, played "King's" (the last time I played was on my 22nd Birthday 6 months ago. People who were there can tell you it was not pretty) and "Never Have I Ever" (which can be a really revealing game if played with certain people, but we kept it PG13). After the party, we went to "Nore," a bar, where we danced and drank some more (i just danced :) ). After that, we went to a Norebang which is like a Karaoke Club, but you have your own private room. I did the "soldier boy," "Milkshake," "Strangers (that was for you Susan!)," and finished the evening with "In tha Club." It was a really good night... except for the HU football game. Ugh
*Christina, Andrea, Rakia, and Kara*

*Happy Birthday*

*Rakia, Donny, and "Bobo"*

So I woke up this morning and while I was laying in the bed, there was a knock at the door...WTF! It's 8:12 in the morning! Turns out, it was my landlord who brought someone to come fix my door. Talk about service. I got up and put some clothes on and went to the hospital. While I was there, the director of the hospital was doing an inspection I guess, but he stopped and spoke to me and was very nice. I should have told him that they need to hire someone to clean the floors. Yup, they're still dirty. Anywho, I saw the doctor who told me that my thumb is healing but the wound is weak (??). Thankfully, I don't have to go back (of course not since I finally have insurance) so I'm happy. Also, when I checked out, they GAVE me money?? Of course I was happy, but I wanted to know why. They told me it was for my insurance discount. Maybe I should have taken out all of my other bills and asked for a discount for them too. LOL. But I am going to see if I can get my money back since I have insurance.
And, the BEST part of this entry...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMIE!! Today is my Mommie's Birthday!! This is the 5th year in a row that I haven't been home for her birthday. But I did send her a gift. She got it on Friday. I sent her her favorite chocolate. Mendiant Milk from La Maison du Chocolat. (Go online and buy some. It is absolutely delicious!. This ain't your ordinary Hershey's bar) She loved it and I am glad.
Here's something just for you Mom:
Here's something just for you Mom:
I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten,
If I have forgotten,
I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew all along.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Hope It's a GREAT One!

*Me and Mommie when I was 5 and she was...I'll let her tell you ;)*
Look at those hairstyles! THROWBACK!! LOL. She's gonna kill me when she sees that I put it up. LOL.
Also, It is my roommates B-day tomorrow. So, Happy Birthday Kahlia!!
Also, I HATE Mondays. I always wake up in a not so good mood. Mondays is also when I find myself questioning if I should really be here. And I feel homesick the most on Mondays. I dunno why. I just do.
Until Next Time!
Hey Babygirl,
Thank you, the poem was the best present of all (well maybe a very close second to the chocolate).
Burn that picture!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you had a great weekend. Mondays are usually blah, but just think of them as being a week closer to coming home.
Luv and miss ya much!!!
Geez seems like people everywhere love black people. They love to look at us and look like us, but then when its time for important stuff and jobs, they dont give a damn about us.... go figure. Sorry, had a little moment there. Lol, but what I really mean is it seems like all men love some Avi huh? Im glad you had a good time at the party. It sounded like a typical night at 131B on a weekend.... which I miss :(. I told you I always see your light on when I pass by. I say YOUR light cuz its still yours to me lol. And you went to the club and shaked ya money maker too? Well thats fine, just make sure there is a foot (or two... theres no maximum limit on the amount of space) between you and wat ever boy you dancing with! Im watching you girl! Lol.... I dunno if i told you lately but I love you and I miss you very much. Mondays are hard for everyone all over the world. Thats just the nature of mondays. So I know how you feel. My mondays are on tuesday tho. So cheer up Bookie :). Smile... I miss your smile, I dont think I have seen your smile for months. I try to make you smile and laugh, but I guess its hard from so far away. But I'll keep trying to do my best to make you feel better and letyou know that you are loved very very much. Cant wait to see you. Until next time!
-Kory :-*
awwww...avi...i kno im late but that was so cute..lmbo..that pic was funii...lmbo you look like you couldnt see with you beads in your eyes..lmbo cant wait till x mas..and imma get me a webcam sooner or later..lmbo but before you kno x mas is less than a month away..and idk when you come home..it prolli be the summer time..o lord thats longer than i thought....ughh..until next time America
I am Your lil Sis && I approve this message!!!!...lmbo
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