Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Breast, Legs and Thighs (and I'm not talking about a bucket of chicken)!!

So, since this past weekend was extra long and the city was a little empty, a friend and I went out to explore more of the city on Sunday. We found this spa (Dragon Hill Spa) on the internet and it looked really nice and it was only 12,000 won (about 11 USD). Not only that, but it was open 24/7. Since the site was in Korean, we couldn't learn much about the spa so we decided after lunch we would check it out. I thought if it was nice, I would take mommie and grandma when they came to visit.
After eating at TGIFriday's, we caught three subway trains and made it to the station. The station is also a mall and a IMAX Theater so you know I'll be back. Anyway, we walked out the station and was a little lost. Everything was in Korean (duh!). So we found some police and asked them where this spa was, we'll they pointed across the street. It was right in front of us! If it was in Korean we would have found it just fine.
So we walked in, paid our 12,000 won and they gave us some clothes to change into. No, not a nice plush robe, but a shirt and some shorts. It was kinda like a uniform (bells should have went off then). But anyway, a lady who spoke English was showing us where to go and what to do. First, we had to take a shoes off and put them in our first locker (that's right, everywhere we went, we had to be barefoot). Then, we had to take the elevator downstairs in order to get to the women's changing room, sauna, acuapressure and mud baths and some other stuff. Well, when those elevator doors opened OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! All I saw was Korean vagina's and tatas!!! Old ones, young ones, middle ages ones, teenage ones you name it and it was on display! I was floored. Koreans have no problem with nudity...CLEARLY! And that was just in the changing room! I know I have never wanted to see any vagina or tatas other than mine. Here, they don't care whose they see or who sees theirs. Call me a prude, but I wasn't giving anyone a show of Miss Twyla and her sisters.
So we hurried up and changed our clothes to go to the other parts of the spa. We didn't even wait for the elevator up, we just took the stairs. First, we went to look at the pool. Now let me tell you it was very nice. But you had to have on a bathing suit and swimming cap. They didn't have to tell me twice. I be D***** if I let me $$$ perm be washed away by chlorine. And there were too many kids there anyway. Next, we went to the hot room. It was ok. I sweat a little bit, and you know... my perm... so I wasn't going to be in there long. Next we went to the ice room. Now don't ask me why my Anemic A** decided to try the ice room. Two minutes in there and I was done. I needed to warm up, so we went into the charcoal hot room. That wasn't too bad.
Next, we went to the rooftop and they had a little restaurant up there. We realized we could have ate there (but since the entire website is in Korean...). After we explored the rooftop, we went in to the women's aroma therapy sleeping room. It was a room...with mats on the floor...no aroma... and you could hear the brats at the pool yelling and screaming... waste of time! So we decided to go see how much a message was. 105,000 won plus. Now I don't know exactly how much it cost because again, it was written in Korean... but $105 plus is about how much it cost in the States. Aren't things supposed to be cheaper here?? Especially since pedicures, manicures and messages are what they do in the States, they should be offering it to their own people for free!
We finally decided to bring an end to our spa day. We went to the changing room again ::cringe:: but Christina wanted to see what exactly the mud, green tea, and body scrubbing baths looked like so we made a little detour. Well why we did that I don't know because it was worse than before. Naked women lounging in tubs, scrubbing each other, taking showers (with no shower curtains!), and just conversing like there wasn't a D*** thing wrong! It reminded me of Saddam and Gomorrah! A porno. An orgy! UGH!! It was horrible. When walking out, I tried to look down but all I saw was little Va-jay-jays. I looked up and would run into naked women. So I had to look forward...and what did I??? COW NIPPLES!! This woman's nipples were HUGE!! I mean good-googa-mugga!! We hurried to our lockers, changed clothes, picked up our shoes and ran out. Never to return (so I guess I won't be taking mommie and grandma there come February)!!!
On the way home, I thought if the men's changing room and baths were the same. Men scrubbing men... now that's something to see. Or maybe not... there's probably nothing there to see (LOL). And you know how when you leave a spa you're relaxed and just feeling good all over? Well not this time. I actually left with a headache. So I went to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream. Ice cream makes everything feel better. Yup, it sure does.
I forgot to tell you what happened when I signed my contract. So I was called into the room and there was a woman (not my recruiter) and she's reading my health form (from when we had health checks the first day of training). All of the sudden she blurts out "YOU HAVE DISEASE!!" I was floored! #1... it's "you have A disease" #2 NO THE H*** I DON'T!! Then she says "you have blood disease." I told her I was anemic and she looked at me like I was crazy. Then I said ANEMIA!! She replies "Oh yea. But it's OK. You still get Alien Registration Card." NO S***!!! I truly apologize for the profanity, but how can someone just shout something like that??! Like I'm a leper??!! Anyways, I figured I'd inform you on the lack of discretion held by Koreans...
So I had my second day of classes today. I went to school all confident. My lesson plans for Memory English Mega and Tera were all prepared... and BOOM (I said before, you can be up, but then something slaps you back down)!! My head instructor informs me that she has changed my schedule and instead of teaching Memory English Tera, I'll be teaching English Chip 3...TODAY!! So that class went horrible. I wasn't prepared or anything, but on the other hand, My Memory English Mega went perfectly. Except for these three terrors. Three boys who are about 12-13. I had to move all of their seats. But besides that, things went pretty well.
I also got my monitor today!! YAY!! But of coarse I can't work the internet in my room. But as soon as I figure it out, it will be bye bye for internet cafe's for me. I also want to thank everyone who sent me emails full of encouragement. You don't know how much it means. thank you so much!!
I need to be going now. I'm going to go home, toast up some chicken, and watch a movie.
Until Next Time!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there babygurl,

Things are bound to get better and if they don't, momma will be on the first bird heading to seoul, let Janice know that. Also inform Andrew. Tell them they only got a taste, but I'm fully prepared to open a giant can of whopp a** on them if they dont treat my baby right!

Luv and miss you much.


The Love Collective said...

Cool blog! Just showing love.


Anonymous said...

Lol see, I told you fam got ya back. So you just stay strong and stop worrying about me so much. If you need to talk to me, text me and i'll call you. Dont just sit up in the room all alone ok? I know its hard and it can be depressing sometimes, but you're stronger than that. You're stilll in the adjusting phase. So keep pushing and give it a good month. If you really cant take it anymore then come home. But dont give in so easily. Love you very much and Im proud of you. Keep it up. Ttyl.

P.S.- You better had not went up in that mens part of the spa!! And keep Ms Twyla n Lisa and Risa covered up :) LOL. Love you!

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