Its been Thanksgiving for the past 20 hours here in Korea, and it feels nothing like the day I have known for the past 22 years. I woke up this morning and caught the subway to the Grand Hilton for Thanksgiving lunch with Christina, Kara, and Andrea. The food was very good as well as the company, but there were no greens, sweet potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. You know, the usual Thanksgiving ingredients, although, there was turkey! Despite the lack of food and family from home, there was one ingredient that is ever present. Thanks. I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I graduated from university with honors, I celebrated my 22nd birthday, I have a job (in Korea!!), and most importantly, I have the love of my family and friends and Kory (and always God)<3.
So the new term started on Monday and so far so good. All of my kids seem really respectful and eager to learn English, so that makes me really excited, but I don't wanna jinx it just yet.
Also, my classes are pretty reasonable sizes. No more 16 kids in a class built for 12! YAY!! And when I walked in on Wednesday, there were only 2 names on the class list! I was so excited. Only 2 kids...YES! BUT, I got the bomb dropped on me when I went in today. The class is cancelled! It wouldn't be profitable to have a class with only 2 students. So they put the kids in other do I have Wednesdays and Saturdays off?? NOOOO!! Of coarse not. They gave me an hourly teacher's class. Why pay her extra hours when they can dump the class on me and its within my 30 hours/week. Ugh. But at least I have a job which is more than what some people can say (you like my optimism? good huh?)
The next couple of weeks, Korean middle school students will be having another round of school tests in their regular school. These tests are so important that they skip going to their hagwons to study. That's why I'm home 3 hours early today. All of my kids in my Tues/Thurs 7pm class called out... until December 11th! So for the next week and a half, Tuesday-Thursdays will be half days (those must be some pretty intensive tests). Unless my school shoves some other classes at me until my students return. We shall see.
So earlier in the week, two of my students from last term came running in my classroom during break screaming "Teacher! Gimme Candy!" Of coarse, that peeked the curiosity of my students and the two told them that if you answer a question correctly, I give candy. Well, next thing I new I had tons of students yelling "Teacher candy!" I didn't have any which can be seen as a good or a bad thing. Good, cause if I pulled it out, they may have ripped my hand off. It was also a bad thing because they me looks as if they were huungry lionesses and they had just spotted a meal. But I told them starting next week, they would get M&M's which made them really excited... exceot for the one voice that yelled "Teacher, it has melamine!" The first time I heard this, I was like WHAT!? What the H*** is wrong with melanin??! But they clearified and said "melaMine."
So apparently, melamine is a toxin found in small amounts (which isn't harmful) in some foods. I looked it up and found out that the FDA is working on banning it from all foods...or something like that. So the next time a student yells "it has melamine" I will reply with "NA UH!"
Have you heard Beyoncé's new album? I haven't heard the entire thing, but I have listened to two songs and fell in love with 1. You guessed it...'If I Were A Boy.' I absolutely love that song! And it is so true. If girls and guys could switch places, even just for a day, guys would see the pain and hurt they put us girls through and understand how to be better men. Now I'm not saying that the selfishness is one way, there are girls who treat their boyfriends like crap, but I hear more about guys being the jerks. What can I say? So if you haven't hear the song (which means you must live in a cave because if I can get it on the other side of the world, surely you should have no problem being in the states) here it is. Thanks Leslie and Mommie for telling me about it!
So not much more to blog about. I may be going to the aquarium on Sunday. That's all my plans for now. Hope you all have a good and safe Turkey Day! And shop plenty for me on Black Friday!
Until Next Time
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
So this entry is going to be short. Just giving you a little something to read. I'm really not in the mood to write right now.
I got my hair done on Friday and finally, my hair and I are on speaking terms again. I was so relived when Kim (the lady who did my hair) broke out with the olive oil instead of the coconut oil! So, if you are in Korea, and have "ethnic" hair. see Kim. She does a really good job and her prices are very reasonable. Message me if you want her number. I'd rather not put it out there for all of internet land to see.
So on my way home my hair and I had a long conversation. Since we hadn't spoken in two weeks, there was a lot to catch up on. Our first topic was about one of my horrible students telling me that I resembled the gorilla in the story book. I believed I was the bigger person in this situation and said "No Ye Won, you're the on that looks like a monkey." And left it at that. Now, some of you might think that was immature of me, but if this was a year ago, I would have had a lot more to say. So I think that was a big step. My hair however told me that I should have cussed that ignorant child out, but then that would have just frustrated me even more because I would have had to break down what I was saying to her in simple sentences which would lose the whole point that I would be trying to make.
Another discussion my hair and I had was when another of my jerk face students told me I was a lesbian. Again, being the bigger person, I told him that he like boys and that's why he sat next to the same boy everyday. My hair told me that I should have returned with "That's not what your daddy said last night!" All I could do was laugh because that was the first thing that popped into my head when that little A**whole told me that. Clearly you can tell that my hair knows me very well. But if I told Min-Suk my witty come back, I think it would have went right over his head, So I decided to leave it be.
Speaking of Min-Suk, he disgruntly informed me that I have been pronouncing his name wrong. And then proceeded to tell me how to pronounce his name. "Teacher, its Min SEEEEOOOOOK." I wish you could have seen the face he had when he said this. All I could think of was that this boy drops his jaw a little too low for me. Also, I kept thinking "Go to the US Min-Suk, and wait til all the little boys and girls start to say 'Min-Suk sucks...!'" After half an hour of me trying to get his name right, I just told him that he will never say my name right and I'll never say his correctly either. So get over it! Maybe I should have been a little nicer, but it was the last time I would have him in my class (for at least 3 months anyway) so I really didn't care...Bad Teacher!
I went out Saturday after school. Erica, the girl we met in the French village is leaving on Wednesday, So we were having our "farewell" evening. We went to Rodeo Drive (yes, in Korea) ate and walked around a little then went to Gangnam to meet up with Kara's co-workers. We had a really good time and I like her co-workers. They're a lot of fun.
I didn't do anything yesterday but laid around and watched "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." It's a good show. And since I would like to move to Atlanta, it shows a little about how life is like in ATL. Well, one type of life. We all know I will not be living in a mansion and be invited to grand parties and such. I'll be lucky if I can get in a club...
Speaking of moving to Atlanta, I will need a job when I get there, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. This experience has already proved to me that I am not cut out to be a teacher despite the fact that I love kids. Eh. So that now narrows my future careers paths to Attorney, Child Psychologist, Writer, or something in International Relations. I'm doing research to see exactly what it is that interests me, but have interest in all of them. Maybe I'll be able to figure it out sometime before I need to take the LSAT or GRE.
It's Monday so I have the "blah" feeling. "I don't wanna be here." "I wanna go home." You know... I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. But then again, I don't know. Thursday is Thanksgiving and I'll be at work... I am going to Thanksgiving lunch at the Hilton, but it still won't be the same. Anyone wanna front a thousand dollars do I can come home?? LOL.
I've been feeling a little neglected lately which I'm sure is adding to my "blahness" (yea, you know you like that word. I think I'm gonna copyright it, along with my first and iddle names). I don't expect every one's lives at home to completely stop since I'm not there, but I also don't expect for people to ignore me either. One thing I hate is being ignored. And of course its not taken seriously because I'm AviEllé...Miss Melodramatic....The Princess of Pessimism. But I really feel ignored. Ugh. I guess I'll get over it. Don't have any choice do I? And for those of you who read my blog regularly, I apologize if you suddenly have the urge to go to the roof of whatever building you are in and jump because of my lack of optimistic thoughts. And for those who are not regular followers, don't read any past entries. I don't want you to suffocate in my pool of negativity (consider yourself forewarned. I will not be held responsible for anything you do if you read past entries). From here on, I will only look at the bright side of my experience (or at least only blog about the bright side).
Today starts a new term so I'm going to go to school early today. I have to find this "Welcome Packet" that I haven't heard about since training, and no one at my school has told me where I can find it, so I guess I will go on the hunt alone. Nothing new. Also, everyone at home is either sleeping or out. So I might as well go in and be productive,
Well, this entry was longer than I expected (hope this is satisfactory for you Mom :P)
Until Next Time
I got my hair done on Friday and finally, my hair and I are on speaking terms again. I was so relived when Kim (the lady who did my hair) broke out with the olive oil instead of the coconut oil! So, if you are in Korea, and have "ethnic" hair. see Kim. She does a really good job and her prices are very reasonable. Message me if you want her number. I'd rather not put it out there for all of internet land to see.
So on my way home my hair and I had a long conversation. Since we hadn't spoken in two weeks, there was a lot to catch up on. Our first topic was about one of my horrible students telling me that I resembled the gorilla in the story book. I believed I was the bigger person in this situation and said "No Ye Won, you're the on that looks like a monkey." And left it at that. Now, some of you might think that was immature of me, but if this was a year ago, I would have had a lot more to say. So I think that was a big step. My hair however told me that I should have cussed that ignorant child out, but then that would have just frustrated me even more because I would have had to break down what I was saying to her in simple sentences which would lose the whole point that I would be trying to make.
Another discussion my hair and I had was when another of my jerk face students told me I was a lesbian. Again, being the bigger person, I told him that he like boys and that's why he sat next to the same boy everyday. My hair told me that I should have returned with "That's not what your daddy said last night!" All I could do was laugh because that was the first thing that popped into my head when that little A**whole told me that. Clearly you can tell that my hair knows me very well. But if I told Min-Suk my witty come back, I think it would have went right over his head, So I decided to leave it be.
Speaking of Min-Suk, he disgruntly informed me that I have been pronouncing his name wrong. And then proceeded to tell me how to pronounce his name. "Teacher, its Min SEEEEOOOOOK." I wish you could have seen the face he had when he said this. All I could think of was that this boy drops his jaw a little too low for me. Also, I kept thinking "Go to the US Min-Suk, and wait til all the little boys and girls start to say 'Min-Suk sucks...!'" After half an hour of me trying to get his name right, I just told him that he will never say my name right and I'll never say his correctly either. So get over it! Maybe I should have been a little nicer, but it was the last time I would have him in my class (for at least 3 months anyway) so I really didn't care...Bad Teacher!
I went out Saturday after school. Erica, the girl we met in the French village is leaving on Wednesday, So we were having our "farewell" evening. We went to Rodeo Drive (yes, in Korea) ate and walked around a little then went to Gangnam to meet up with Kara's co-workers. We had a really good time and I like her co-workers. They're a lot of fun.
I didn't do anything yesterday but laid around and watched "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." It's a good show. And since I would like to move to Atlanta, it shows a little about how life is like in ATL. Well, one type of life. We all know I will not be living in a mansion and be invited to grand parties and such. I'll be lucky if I can get in a club...
Speaking of moving to Atlanta, I will need a job when I get there, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life. This experience has already proved to me that I am not cut out to be a teacher despite the fact that I love kids. Eh. So that now narrows my future careers paths to Attorney, Child Psychologist, Writer, or something in International Relations. I'm doing research to see exactly what it is that interests me, but have interest in all of them. Maybe I'll be able to figure it out sometime before I need to take the LSAT or GRE.
It's Monday so I have the "blah" feeling. "I don't wanna be here." "I wanna go home." You know... I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. But then again, I don't know. Thursday is Thanksgiving and I'll be at work... I am going to Thanksgiving lunch at the Hilton, but it still won't be the same. Anyone wanna front a thousand dollars do I can come home?? LOL.
I've been feeling a little neglected lately which I'm sure is adding to my "blahness" (yea, you know you like that word. I think I'm gonna copyright it, along with my first and iddle names). I don't expect every one's lives at home to completely stop since I'm not there, but I also don't expect for people to ignore me either. One thing I hate is being ignored. And of course its not taken seriously because I'm AviEllé...Miss Melodramatic....The Princess of Pessimism. But I really feel ignored. Ugh. I guess I'll get over it. Don't have any choice do I? And for those of you who read my blog regularly, I apologize if you suddenly have the urge to go to the roof of whatever building you are in and jump because of my lack of optimistic thoughts. And for those who are not regular followers, don't read any past entries. I don't want you to suffocate in my pool of negativity (consider yourself forewarned. I will not be held responsible for anything you do if you read past entries). From here on, I will only look at the bright side of my experience (or at least only blog about the bright side).
Today starts a new term so I'm going to go to school early today. I have to find this "Welcome Packet" that I haven't heard about since training, and no one at my school has told me where I can find it, so I guess I will go on the hunt alone. Nothing new. Also, everyone at home is either sleeping or out. So I might as well go in and be productive,
Well, this entry was longer than I expected (hope this is satisfactory for you Mom :P)
Until Next Time
Bad A** Kids,
Future Career,
New Term,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Lotte World and Such

After our "delightful" meal, we decided to get on some rides...

In between rides we got some snacks. Popcorn chicken and fries and I got a kiwi fruit drink that made my mouth itch a lot (the list of fruits that I'm allergic to keeps getting longer and longer). After we finished the rides outside, we decided to explore the indoor park.

*I've been looking for the "Merry Holidays" sign but I still haven't found it*

After our adventure at Lotte World, we decided to get something to eat...and what did we find??... Da DA DAHHHH!!!!

After our "meal" we discovered an American store. I can't tell you the name of it because then Kory will know one of his gifts for Christmas. But we had so much fun in this store. We even took pictures with the people who worked there. I think they liked having the Americans come in and act crazy. They even gave us some free stuff. After Kory gets here and sees what he got, I'll post the pictures.
After our fun and games, we all went our separate ways and I headed for my train. I was so pooped that I fell asleep. I know...falling asleep on public transportation is a "NO NO" but I couldn't help it. But I did wake up with all of my belongings.
*Here is the "and Such" part of my entry*
I went out with my co-workers Monday night to Itaewon to celebrate two birthdays and two people leaving. There was a variety of topics that were brought up during the evening. One being Korean health care. I mentioned the conditions that my area hospital were in and I was told that in Korea, they don't put money into making the hospital sanitary and germ free. All of the money goes to the patient...That's ok. I don't mind waiting at the most 20 minutes so I can get some clean sheets on a bed and a mopped floor. They can keep that extra money. Just imagine, going from UPenn's hospital to the caddy shack out back... yea. GROSS!
Another topic was about how in the Mormon church (a co-worker of mine is Mormon), African Americans were not all lowed to be in positions of authority because we have the curse of Cain, black skin; but this rule was overturned in 1978 because someone received a message from God. I don't think it was a message that came during prayer, I think it was the type of message that another religion receives (not gonna put them out there), where God comes down and has tea and scones with the leader of the denomination and the conversation goes something like this:
Leader: Hey God. How are you doing today?
God: Pretty good. Just been thinking about some of my rules.
Leader: Really? Which ones?
God: Well, the one where un-baptized babies go to Limbo. I think I want them to come straight to Heaven. And those black people down there, maybe they too can be in a head position. I know they're black and all, but I think they've earned that right. They've been behaving themselves.
Leader: No problem God. I will get right on it.
God: And don't forget, you are the one true religion. Everyone else is going to Hell
Now, why can't the rest of us get messages like this? I guess its because they are the one true religion and the rest of us are going to hell, that is until God has another meeting and says otherwise...
Anywho, my co-worker joked about how the Mormon church was only 14 or so years behind the Civil Rights Movement and then went on to talk about how African Americans were not given our 40 acres and a mule...That's is ok with me because we got 50 STATES AND THE WHITE HOUSE!! BOOO YAHH B****!!!!!
There were other various topics that came up, but I kinda zoned out. Eh.
Anywayz, have I told you about the cultural differences between Korea and the US, at least the US that I know? So: 1. People here are utterly disgusting. That's right. Both men and women. I'm walking down the street, in the subway, where ever, and suddenly I hear this "Hacck" (you know the sound you make when you are gathering all of the crap in your mouth to the back of your throat) then spit. "F"ing DISGUSTING! And people do it all the time. Don't they have manners?? Clearly the women do not practice "Lady-like" behavior. UGH! What happened to it not being proper for a man to spit in front of a lady?? I guess that just all went out the window and "Family spits" came into play. Go spit in a D*** alley or something!! And why the H*** do they have to spit so much? Must be that D*** kimchi with all the garlic. Or maybe it's the toothpaste they use that give them the horrible smelling breath. What ever it is, they need to put it down. JUST PUT THE ISH DOWN!! 2. There is no "Remove your hat when indoors" etiquette for men. I have students who come to class and wear their hats for the entire 3 hours. I'm sorry, I didn't check the ceiling this morning. Does it look like rain?? Oh. No? THEN TAKE YOUR "F"ing HAT OFF!!! 3. People here do not use the word "excuse me" or the Korean equivalent. Since they didn't know how to use the word, I just say move, or I bump them out of the way. I've been standing in line to get on the train for 15 minutes, I know you don't think you're gonna bust your narrow A** in front of me. Not today "Ahhjimah" (what they call the Korean older women)!!!
Maybe it's the 4 years at Hampton, or all of the lady-like training I have received over the years that makes me so particualr about manners and etiquette. Whatever it is, I'm a stickler for it and anything different is just flat out WRONG!
So those are a few things that I have noticed since being here. I will let you know about the other things I find as my time here passes.
Until Next Time!
Korean Etiquette,
Lotte World
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Think I Hate Kids...OK. Not Really. But I'm D*** Sure Am Getting Close!!!!
OK, so remember last week when I was liking my Tues/Thurs Mega class. Well, that was only temporary because I can't stand those little B*******! I also can't stand my EC3 class. The one that I showed you pictures of. Thank goodness next week is the last week of the term. I dunno how much more of this I can take. But with my luck, I'll get them all again next term. UGH!
And they got their level up results and it was just as I predicted. Except for one girl. I dunno how in the world she passed. She is a cheater, so she was probably looking at one of the other 2 kids that passed tests'.
So I'm working on all my kids report cards. This is where I get to vent and tell the parents that their kids are stupid little pricks and will never learn English. They might as well stop wasting their money and give them something else to work on like basket weaving. Now, not all my kids got reports like these. The majority of them say how wonderful their student is, his/her enunciation of English words is very good, grammar and reading comprehension are above average, blah blah blah. It's just those 2 Mega classes and some of my EC3 who's parents should invest in another subject. Maybe "Manners 101." Can you sense the disdain and I have for these monsters??!!! They are trying to make me lose my Jesus. But they don't know that me and He have a tight relationship. Nothing can break our bond. Not even these little jerks.
Tuesday was "Pepero Day" here in Korea. "Pepero Day" is like Korean Valentine's Day. You exchange chocolates and gifts with other people and Pepero sticks (To wish someone to grow as long and slender as a Pepero stick). They are these stick things dipped in chocolate and may have something extra on or in them. The kids that I actually like brought me boxes of these and I gave some out. They are so cute. They said "Teacher here. Pepero Sticks for Pepero Day!" Those will be the kids that I will really miss next term.
I also got my hair done on Tuesday. And the thought that Black people can do Black hair is a D*** LIE!!! THAT IS SOME TRUE BS!! Now I was told that this woman does braids really well, but the way she had my hair looking was a disgrace. To all of the African American females reading this, do you remember back in the day when you got your hair pressed, and then would go and run around outside with your friends and 2 hours later your hair is so thick you can't even scratch your scalp?? Well add that to about 4 handfuls of coconut grease (you know that ISH is thick) and you get what 4 hrs of what her P*S* POOR WORK amounted to. I had to come home and flat iron it again. My poor hair wouldn't even curl. It said "F you! How dare you let that Hoe do me like this!" And I had no words after my hair cussed me out. Although her words were muffled by all the grease pounded on her, I still got her point loud and clear. So, my hair isn't speaking to me and its hard to style her because I only have one good hand. She told me that until I give her the love and care she deserves, we won;t be friends. You just don't know what my hair and I have been through. Bleaching (YES!), lots of highlights, braids, cornrows, twist, my moose stage, gel and jam, and just recently, weave. Out all of that, my hair was always by my side (rather my head), but this time she is hot. So I am again looking for someone to do my hair. I got a couple more numbers, but am a little reluctant to try them out. If my hair really gets mad she might just fall all out. And then what the H*** will I do? I know it may sound vain, but I've always been known as "the girl with the thick long hair." If I lose it, I will just be know as "the girl." So lets all hope that my hair and I get back on speaking terms and I find someone to treat her right before I am able to use my thumb.
On a much lighter note, I'm going out to dinner on Saturday for Andrea's birthday. She invited the girls to Dulkalbi (a Korean dish) at one of the restaurants in her area. I was a little skeptical at first (there is actually no duck. just chicken), but it is actually delicious. So I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm also going to Lotte World on Sunday. Lotte World is an amusement part here in Seoul. Again, it'll will be us girls hanging out and riding roller coasters all day. I love roller coasters. But my roommate from Jr & Sr year was looking at amusement parks and found out the South Korea had the most amusement park accidents... am I still going?? YES! This is the same person who got on "Superman" at Six Flaggs after it got stuck the same day 2x. But don't worry. I'll be sure to blog when I get back. I hope they have some funnel cake there. And I guess it would be pushing it to want a turkey leg huh?
Nothing much else going on, but if something does, I'll be sure and blog about. For now, my stroganoff is calling!
Until Next Time!
And they got their level up results and it was just as I predicted. Except for one girl. I dunno how in the world she passed. She is a cheater, so she was probably looking at one of the other 2 kids that passed tests'.
So I'm working on all my kids report cards. This is where I get to vent and tell the parents that their kids are stupid little pricks and will never learn English. They might as well stop wasting their money and give them something else to work on like basket weaving. Now, not all my kids got reports like these. The majority of them say how wonderful their student is, his/her enunciation of English words is very good, grammar and reading comprehension are above average, blah blah blah. It's just those 2 Mega classes and some of my EC3 who's parents should invest in another subject. Maybe "Manners 101." Can you sense the disdain and I have for these monsters??!!! They are trying to make me lose my Jesus. But they don't know that me and He have a tight relationship. Nothing can break our bond. Not even these little jerks.
Tuesday was "Pepero Day" here in Korea. "Pepero Day" is like Korean Valentine's Day. You exchange chocolates and gifts with other people and Pepero sticks (To wish someone to grow as long and slender as a Pepero stick). They are these stick things dipped in chocolate and may have something extra on or in them. The kids that I actually like brought me boxes of these and I gave some out. They are so cute. They said "Teacher here. Pepero Sticks for Pepero Day!" Those will be the kids that I will really miss next term.
I also got my hair done on Tuesday. And the thought that Black people can do Black hair is a D*** LIE!!! THAT IS SOME TRUE BS!! Now I was told that this woman does braids really well, but the way she had my hair looking was a disgrace. To all of the African American females reading this, do you remember back in the day when you got your hair pressed, and then would go and run around outside with your friends and 2 hours later your hair is so thick you can't even scratch your scalp?? Well add that to about 4 handfuls of coconut grease (you know that ISH is thick) and you get what 4 hrs of what her P*S* POOR WORK amounted to. I had to come home and flat iron it again. My poor hair wouldn't even curl. It said "F you! How dare you let that Hoe do me like this!" And I had no words after my hair cussed me out. Although her words were muffled by all the grease pounded on her, I still got her point loud and clear. So, my hair isn't speaking to me and its hard to style her because I only have one good hand. She told me that until I give her the love and care she deserves, we won;t be friends. You just don't know what my hair and I have been through. Bleaching (YES!), lots of highlights, braids, cornrows, twist, my moose stage, gel and jam, and just recently, weave. Out all of that, my hair was always by my side (rather my head), but this time she is hot. So I am again looking for someone to do my hair. I got a couple more numbers, but am a little reluctant to try them out. If my hair really gets mad she might just fall all out. And then what the H*** will I do? I know it may sound vain, but I've always been known as "the girl with the thick long hair." If I lose it, I will just be know as "the girl." So lets all hope that my hair and I get back on speaking terms and I find someone to treat her right before I am able to use my thumb.
On a much lighter note, I'm going out to dinner on Saturday for Andrea's birthday. She invited the girls to Dulkalbi (a Korean dish) at one of the restaurants in her area. I was a little skeptical at first (there is actually no duck. just chicken), but it is actually delicious. So I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm also going to Lotte World on Sunday. Lotte World is an amusement part here in Seoul. Again, it'll will be us girls hanging out and riding roller coasters all day. I love roller coasters. But my roommate from Jr & Sr year was looking at amusement parks and found out the South Korea had the most amusement park accidents... am I still going?? YES! This is the same person who got on "Superman" at Six Flaggs after it got stuck the same day 2x. But don't worry. I'll be sure to blog when I get back. I hope they have some funnel cake there. And I guess it would be pushing it to want a turkey leg huh?
Nothing much else going on, but if something does, I'll be sure and blog about. For now, my stroganoff is calling!
Until Next Time!
Ammusement Parks,
Bad A** Kids,
Korean Holidays
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mondays...Eh. And A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY x4
Sorry I didn't post the end of last week. I figured I gave you 3 during the week and I don't want you to get spoiled (Mommie).
I realized I haven't told you about when I was on the subway and this man started talking to me. He asked where I was from and why I was in Korea. He told me he has been to Philadelphia before and than goes on to tell me how there are many Black people there and how they have very kind hearts. (1. This convo is so not appropriate. 2. Kind hearts? In Kiladelphia? I know he's never been there.) He also tells me that Korean university students love Black people because they females have very beautiful shapes and the males have very sexy style...TIME FOR ME TO GO! Now, what if I was home on the EL (the subway in Philly if you don't know) and went and sat next to a foreigner and had the same convo. I'm sure people would have some problems). Anyway, I'm glad my stop came before he could tell me anything else.
I find myself looking forward to my Tues/Thurs Mega class now. The horrible kid transferred into my Mon/Fri class where he doesn't know anyone and the rest of the kids thinks he's weird. And two of the other kids withdrew. So I'm left with 8 kids who are a lot of fun once they actually pay attention. I didn't have to yell at all this week. It's ashame that its the end of the term and they're just getting to see the nice side of Avi Teacher. Oh Well. Maybe I'll have some of them again next term.
Saturday was Andrea and Kara's Birthday Party. We had a really good time. I made Spanish rice, Andrea made Quesidillas, Jason, the guy we met at the pub, made a cold noodle salad, Angela, a co-worker of mine, and I bought two cakes, and everyone else(about 10 other ppl) brought liquor. We ate, played "King's" (the last time I played was on my 22nd Birthday 6 months ago. People who were there can tell you it was not pretty) and "Never Have I Ever" (which can be a really revealing game if played with certain people, but we kept it PG13). After the party, we went to "Nore," a bar, where we danced and drank some more (i just danced :) ). After that, we went to a Norebang which is like a Karaoke Club, but you have your own private room. I did the "soldier boy," "Milkshake," "Strangers (that was for you Susan!)," and finished the evening with "In tha Club." It was a really good night... except for the HU football game. Ugh

*Adam displaying the contents of Andrea's "oven." She just found out its actually a dishwasher. LOL*
I woke up Sunday morning to no internet so I texted my supervisor and she immediately called me...WHAT? I know. I was shocked too! She can't answer a phone when my thumb is hanging off, but you return my call after a text. WOW! Anyway, she called my landlord who lives right upstairs...go figure. He immediately came down and tried to talk to me in as much as English as possible. He tried to fix it on my computer, but after he went to someone else's room, he figured out it was a problem in the whole building, he called the engineer who came over to fix the problem. Within 2-3 hours. I had internet again. YAY! He also saw that my door gets a little stuck when I open it, so he tried to fix it but told me he would be back on Monday to fix it. Besides that, I didn't do anything else. No, I did prep my lessons. So besides That, I did nothing but lay around and watch Gilmore Girls. I made dinner and went to bed early since I had to be back at the hospital at 10am.
I realized I haven't told you about when I was on the subway and this man started talking to me. He asked where I was from and why I was in Korea. He told me he has been to Philadelphia before and than goes on to tell me how there are many Black people there and how they have very kind hearts. (1. This convo is so not appropriate. 2. Kind hearts? In Kiladelphia? I know he's never been there.) He also tells me that Korean university students love Black people because they females have very beautiful shapes and the males have very sexy style...TIME FOR ME TO GO! Now, what if I was home on the EL (the subway in Philly if you don't know) and went and sat next to a foreigner and had the same convo. I'm sure people would have some problems). Anyway, I'm glad my stop came before he could tell me anything else.
And what do you think of this picture? I didn't notice until until more than half of my ice cream bar was gone. It's a black crunch bar and the 2 pictures say "Black Boy" and "Black Girl." Just because it's chocolate means that Black people are supposed to buy it?? I don't even like chocolate like that. I just wanted it for the vanilla ice cream. So HA Koreans. I just crushed your stereotype! So far, I guess this is the only racism I've experienced (if that's what you call it). I know I won't be having another one of these Black Crunch Bars!

Saturday was Andrea and Kara's Birthday Party. We had a really good time. I made Spanish rice, Andrea made Quesidillas, Jason, the guy we met at the pub, made a cold noodle salad, Angela, a co-worker of mine, and I bought two cakes, and everyone else(about 10 other ppl) brought liquor. We ate, played "King's" (the last time I played was on my 22nd Birthday 6 months ago. People who were there can tell you it was not pretty) and "Never Have I Ever" (which can be a really revealing game if played with certain people, but we kept it PG13). After the party, we went to "Nore," a bar, where we danced and drank some more (i just danced :) ). After that, we went to a Norebang which is like a Karaoke Club, but you have your own private room. I did the "soldier boy," "Milkshake," "Strangers (that was for you Susan!)," and finished the evening with "In tha Club." It was a really good night... except for the HU football game. Ugh
*Christina, Andrea, Rakia, and Kara*

*Happy Birthday*

*Rakia, Donny, and "Bobo"*

So I woke up this morning and while I was laying in the bed, there was a knock at the door...WTF! It's 8:12 in the morning! Turns out, it was my landlord who brought someone to come fix my door. Talk about service. I got up and put some clothes on and went to the hospital. While I was there, the director of the hospital was doing an inspection I guess, but he stopped and spoke to me and was very nice. I should have told him that they need to hire someone to clean the floors. Yup, they're still dirty. Anywho, I saw the doctor who told me that my thumb is healing but the wound is weak (??). Thankfully, I don't have to go back (of course not since I finally have insurance) so I'm happy. Also, when I checked out, they GAVE me money?? Of course I was happy, but I wanted to know why. They told me it was for my insurance discount. Maybe I should have taken out all of my other bills and asked for a discount for them too. LOL. But I am going to see if I can get my money back since I have insurance.
And, the BEST part of this entry...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMIE!! Today is my Mommie's Birthday!! This is the 5th year in a row that I haven't been home for her birthday. But I did send her a gift. She got it on Friday. I sent her her favorite chocolate. Mendiant Milk from La Maison du Chocolat. (Go online and buy some. It is absolutely delicious!. This ain't your ordinary Hershey's bar) She loved it and I am glad.
Here's something just for you Mom:
Here's something just for you Mom:
I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten,
If I have forgotten,
I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew all along.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Hope It's a GREAT One!

*Me and Mommie when I was 5 and she was...I'll let her tell you ;)*
Look at those hairstyles! THROWBACK!! LOL. She's gonna kill me when she sees that I put it up. LOL.
Also, It is my roommates B-day tomorrow. So, Happy Birthday Kahlia!!
Also, I HATE Mondays. I always wake up in a not so good mood. Mondays is also when I find myself questioning if I should really be here. And I feel homesick the most on Mondays. I dunno why. I just do.
Until Next Time!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Rise and Claim Your Place
So my friend Brittany (from high school. not one of the 12 Brittany(eny, itti, etc)'s that I know from Hampton) recently brought my attention to a poem entitled "Rise" which is inspired by Maya Angelou (one of my favorite poets) and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She mentioned it because of the lack of faith and encouragement displayed by the educators towards the predominately African American students at the school she is teaching at.
After reading the poem, I just wanted to stand and applaud. It is great, and I have put it in this entry.
Thanks Brittany!
"Rise(Inspired by Mya Angelou and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King)"
by KD the King
When God created me from dust and blew breath in my lungs he told me to rise and I rise,
I was deceived by the devil and kicked out of Eden and I rise,
I ate only from the sweat of my brow and I rise,
Where I was once dust I had now become King, I rise,
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and I rise,
Dynasties flourished and fell and I rise,
I became enslaved now let me tell you how I rise,
I was forced on a boat that brought me to a land that I had never heard about or seen before,
I was sold like fruit at the market and used like a tool,
They separated me from my family and forced me to work in an unfamiliar climate,
I had to learn a foreign tongue and call men master that were physically inferior to me,
These men used their guns to put fear in my heart and snatch the crown off of my head,
I picked their cotton and in return they whipped my back,
I learned of their God that I put all of my faith in,
I heard the stories of Moses and how his God parted the Red Sea to free his people,
I was told that I was a descendant of Cane and that my skin was a curse,
Where was my God, did I have one and if so will he part these cotton fields and set me free,
Those cotton fields didn’t part and there was no Moses,
There was no burning bush but I still attempted my voyage of freedom,
Freedom that was taken away from me because I was ignorant,
They say that ignorance is bliss and that pain is pleasure but I feel nothing of euphoria or satisfaction,
I tried to leave but every time something held me back,
Then it hit me, how can I rise divided, in order to stand all parts of my body have to be in union,
What if all the parts of me would have said no to slavery, would things be different,
I learned from my history and made sure that in the future there would be no ignorance or disunion in my body,
Now I choose to better myself and always rise above adversity,
Everyday I rise and realize that I am not just a man but a Blackman with a royal bloodline,
A Blackman that was kicked out of Eden sold into slavery and told he was cursed, but still I rise,
I have scars on my face, whip marks on my back and footprints on my chest but they can’t hurt me because that happened in the past,
And I have learned that the past is exactly where it should be and that’s behind me,
My scars are only there as a reminder, a reminder that he who doesn’t learn from the past is condemned to repeat it,
A reminder that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,
No matter how many times I rise there is always someone or something trying to hold me down,
Since the beginning of time I’ve been kicked out, knocked down, spit on and beaten,
This has done nothing but make me stronger my muscular physique is like no other,
I will no longer be denied, no chains made by man can hold me,
No man can sell me no ship can take me from my home,
You will not separate me from my family,
I will not work in your cotton fields and I will not be enslaved because I know now that slavery is all in the mind,
My mindset is on freedom and no one can tell me any different,
My skin is not a curse because I know now that Black is beautiful,
I have evolved from dust to slave to King and King I shall remain because I was meant to be,
I stand here a strong Blackman with strength so mighty that it can be felt from the cotton fields of North America to the pyramids of Egypt,
I’ve seen it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and was handed tablets from God himself,
I have parted seas by raising my staff and turned water into wine,
I have carried the weight of the world on my shoulders since God blew breath in my lungs,
Since there was light I have been deceived, caste out and crucified just to be resurrected,
I am too strong to be denied because I was never weak enough to be held down,
I am strength itself and that strength enables us to rise,
So arise and reclaim your kingdom, arise and claim what is rightfully yours,
If you won’t rise and stand for something you will fall for anything,
So arise I tell you arise,
Rise, like Jesus three days after his crucifixion, like a phoenix from the ashes, like the sun in the morning,
Rise, like the words of Dr. Martin Luther King when he had a dream,
Rise, like a bird in flight, rise like a soldiers riffle in triumph,
Rise above adversity, just because your father went to jail that doesn’t mean that you have to,
Because your mother didn’t graduate that doesn’t mean that you won’t
Our parents struggled so we wouldn’t have to, where they came up short you will go farther,
Our ancestors were taken away from their families so you could keep yours together,
I tell you to rise above ignorance because ignorance is slavery,
To my Black men don’t be a baby daddy be a father to your child and a husband to your woman,
To my beautiful black women don’t be a baby mama, be a mother to your child and a wife to your man,
To the single mothers I am here to tell you whenever you feel weak here’s my shoulder you can lean on me because I’m strong enough,
Rise above what society thinks of you, you are not a statistic; you are not a failure, you are not inferior,
You are the foundation of all civilization and the backbone of all society,
Whatever your father was or your mother may have been you are not,
You are the future, you are the possibility, you are next,
What we do in life will echo in eternity, what will your echo’s sound like,
Time stands still for mo man but when it comes to standing the test of time all you see is the black man,
I am the son of God, I am the brother of time, I am a black man and I rise.
After reading the poem, I just wanted to stand and applaud. It is great, and I have put it in this entry.
Thanks Brittany!
"Rise(Inspired by Mya Angelou and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King)"
by KD the King
When God created me from dust and blew breath in my lungs he told me to rise and I rise,
I was deceived by the devil and kicked out of Eden and I rise,
I ate only from the sweat of my brow and I rise,
Where I was once dust I had now become King, I rise,
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and I rise,
Dynasties flourished and fell and I rise,
I became enslaved now let me tell you how I rise,
I was forced on a boat that brought me to a land that I had never heard about or seen before,
I was sold like fruit at the market and used like a tool,
They separated me from my family and forced me to work in an unfamiliar climate,
I had to learn a foreign tongue and call men master that were physically inferior to me,
These men used their guns to put fear in my heart and snatch the crown off of my head,
I picked their cotton and in return they whipped my back,
I learned of their God that I put all of my faith in,
I heard the stories of Moses and how his God parted the Red Sea to free his people,
I was told that I was a descendant of Cane and that my skin was a curse,
Where was my God, did I have one and if so will he part these cotton fields and set me free,
Those cotton fields didn’t part and there was no Moses,
There was no burning bush but I still attempted my voyage of freedom,
Freedom that was taken away from me because I was ignorant,
They say that ignorance is bliss and that pain is pleasure but I feel nothing of euphoria or satisfaction,
I tried to leave but every time something held me back,
Then it hit me, how can I rise divided, in order to stand all parts of my body have to be in union,
What if all the parts of me would have said no to slavery, would things be different,
I learned from my history and made sure that in the future there would be no ignorance or disunion in my body,
Now I choose to better myself and always rise above adversity,
Everyday I rise and realize that I am not just a man but a Blackman with a royal bloodline,
A Blackman that was kicked out of Eden sold into slavery and told he was cursed, but still I rise,
I have scars on my face, whip marks on my back and footprints on my chest but they can’t hurt me because that happened in the past,
And I have learned that the past is exactly where it should be and that’s behind me,
My scars are only there as a reminder, a reminder that he who doesn’t learn from the past is condemned to repeat it,
A reminder that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,
No matter how many times I rise there is always someone or something trying to hold me down,
Since the beginning of time I’ve been kicked out, knocked down, spit on and beaten,
This has done nothing but make me stronger my muscular physique is like no other,
I will no longer be denied, no chains made by man can hold me,
No man can sell me no ship can take me from my home,
You will not separate me from my family,
I will not work in your cotton fields and I will not be enslaved because I know now that slavery is all in the mind,
My mindset is on freedom and no one can tell me any different,
My skin is not a curse because I know now that Black is beautiful,
I have evolved from dust to slave to King and King I shall remain because I was meant to be,
I stand here a strong Blackman with strength so mighty that it can be felt from the cotton fields of North America to the pyramids of Egypt,
I’ve seen it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and was handed tablets from God himself,
I have parted seas by raising my staff and turned water into wine,
I have carried the weight of the world on my shoulders since God blew breath in my lungs,
Since there was light I have been deceived, caste out and crucified just to be resurrected,
I am too strong to be denied because I was never weak enough to be held down,
I am strength itself and that strength enables us to rise,
So arise and reclaim your kingdom, arise and claim what is rightfully yours,
If you won’t rise and stand for something you will fall for anything,
So arise I tell you arise,
Rise, like Jesus three days after his crucifixion, like a phoenix from the ashes, like the sun in the morning,
Rise, like the words of Dr. Martin Luther King when he had a dream,
Rise, like a bird in flight, rise like a soldiers riffle in triumph,
Rise above adversity, just because your father went to jail that doesn’t mean that you have to,
Because your mother didn’t graduate that doesn’t mean that you won’t
Our parents struggled so we wouldn’t have to, where they came up short you will go farther,
Our ancestors were taken away from their families so you could keep yours together,
I tell you to rise above ignorance because ignorance is slavery,
To my Black men don’t be a baby daddy be a father to your child and a husband to your woman,
To my beautiful black women don’t be a baby mama, be a mother to your child and a wife to your man,
To the single mothers I am here to tell you whenever you feel weak here’s my shoulder you can lean on me because I’m strong enough,
Rise above what society thinks of you, you are not a statistic; you are not a failure, you are not inferior,
You are the foundation of all civilization and the backbone of all society,
Whatever your father was or your mother may have been you are not,
You are the future, you are the possibility, you are next,
What we do in life will echo in eternity, what will your echo’s sound like,
Time stands still for mo man but when it comes to standing the test of time all you see is the black man,
I am the son of God, I am the brother of time, I am a black man and I rise.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Post Election Etiquette
Now that Obama has won, there will be a lot of people who will be afraid that an Obama Presidency will usher in the end of days. They'll be watching us for the next couple of days for signs of the end of times. To keep a lot of folks from getting nervous, I think we should develop a list of acceptable celebrations and behaviors we should probably avoid - at least for the first weeks or so:
1. No crying, hugging or shouting "Thank you Lord" - at least not inpublic
2. No high-fives - at least not unless the area is clear and there are no witnesses
3. No laughing at the McCain/Palin supporters
4. No calling in sick on November 5th. They'll get nervous if too manyof us don't show up.
5. We're allowed to give each other knowing winks or nods in passing. Just try to keep from grinning too hard.
6. No singing loudly, "We've come this Far By Faith" (it will be acceptable to hum softly)
7. No bringing of barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings at all) (this may make us seem too ethnic)
8. No leaving kool-aid packages at the water fountain (this might be a sign that poor folks might be getting a break through)
9. No Cupid Shuffle during breaks (this could indicate a little too much excitement)
10. Please no Moving on Up music (we are going to try to remain humble)
11. No doing the George Jefferson dance (unless you're in your office with the door closed)
12. Please try not to yell----BOOOO YAH!
13. Just in case you're wondering, the Running Man, Cabbage Patch, or a backhand spring on the highway is 100% okay.
Until Next Time!
1. No crying, hugging or shouting "Thank you Lord" - at least not inpublic
2. No high-fives - at least not unless the area is clear and there are no witnesses
3. No laughing at the McCain/Palin supporters
4. No calling in sick on November 5th. They'll get nervous if too manyof us don't show up.
5. We're allowed to give each other knowing winks or nods in passing. Just try to keep from grinning too hard.
6. No singing loudly, "We've come this Far By Faith" (it will be acceptable to hum softly)
7. No bringing of barbeque ribs or fried chicken for lunch in the company lunchroom for at least a week (no chittlings at all) (this may make us seem too ethnic)
8. No leaving kool-aid packages at the water fountain (this might be a sign that poor folks might be getting a break through)
9. No Cupid Shuffle during breaks (this could indicate a little too much excitement)
10. Please no Moving on Up music (we are going to try to remain humble)
11. No doing the George Jefferson dance (unless you're in your office with the door closed)
12. Please try not to yell----BOOOO YAH!
13. Just in case you're wondering, the Running Man, Cabbage Patch, or a backhand spring on the highway is 100% okay.
Until Next Time!
"Rosa SAT, so Martin could WALK, so Obama could RUN, so our children can FLY!"
Our First Family is Black! Somebody pinch me!
We did it! Not just Black people, but ALL people. WE DID IT! AIN'T NO STOPPING US NOW!! November 4th, 2008 will be a day that is forever remembered throughout history.
So now that the pieces have been put into place, we all need to begin to change. We can't place all of our hopes and dreams as well our problems on the shoulders of our new President elect. Change needs to begin with us and here is our chance.
We've been waiting on the world to change, and I think the playing field just leveled out. We are no longer standing at a distance. But first we need to start with ourselves. As arrogant as we may be, the world watches the US. As I was walking home, there was a man on the corner listening to Obama's speech. Clearly, everyone sees everything we do, and lately, it has not been too good. So maybe with a new President, we can again be seen as a nation of achievers not only making our country a better place, but also our world (if anything, I know the world is celebrating out victory as well).
American has been handed back to its people. "Manifest Destiny" has a whole new meaning.
Yes we have a new President. Yes, it is very possible that there is a better future in the sights of most Americans, but how can we expect things to get better if we don't do what is needed to better ourselves. We need to recognize the power that is in our hands and use it to acheive a common goal.
We as African Americans need to encourage Black children that they can become more than athletes, drug dealers and rappers. They can be doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and even President. We need to stop bringing each other down with violence and drugs. And we need to remember our roots, our culture, where we came from. We need to go into our communities and initiate the change that we so desperately desire.
As Americans, we need to stop looking at each other like we are crayons in a Crayola box, but individuals with character, dreams, hope, and so much more. This is a big step, so we all need to step up.
Don't be upset when the Heavens don't immediately open because we have an African American man as President; when the stocks don't magically rise on Wall Street because we're chanting "O-BAM-A;" and last but not least, don't be quick to cast judgement because Ganja still won't be on the approved list of drugs and all minorities don't suddenly become wealthy because Barak is a minority in the White House and can "relate." Change may come slowly, but it will come (but probably not the Ganja). And it will be because of the combined effort of Americans. Barak Obama is not God. He is human like the rest of us. So treat him as such. When he makes a mistake, don't stone him. All we can hope for is that he rises above the corruption and scandal in Washington politics and beats it, keeps his promises, and works hard for a better America.
Also, keep him and the safety of his family in your prayers. Just because a Black man is President doesn't mean we still don't have "Crazy Bubba" and his redneck hillbilly buddies running around.
And have you heard the new ISH? "Obama's not Black...he's bi-racial." I'm not even gonna comment.
"They didn't give us 40 acres and a mule, but we D*** sure will take 50 states and the White House!" ~Brittany H.'s Facebook Status (I Love It! LOL)
So who's is going to the Inaugural Ball in January? If you are, can I PLEASE be your guest? I have a gorgeous dress I could wear. Or maybe Barak and Joe (yea, I'm on a first name basis with them like that. lol), will have a big 'ole cookout on the White House lawn and serve fried chicken, sweet potatoes, greens, corn know, the works. Not all of us can afford a $1,700 ticket.
But anyway, be proud. WE JUST MADE HISTORY!

(Kory, I too would like to be America's first lady...::wink::wink::)
Our First Family is Black! Somebody pinch me!
We did it! Not just Black people, but ALL people. WE DID IT! AIN'T NO STOPPING US NOW!! November 4th, 2008 will be a day that is forever remembered throughout history.
So now that the pieces have been put into place, we all need to begin to change. We can't place all of our hopes and dreams as well our problems on the shoulders of our new President elect. Change needs to begin with us and here is our chance.
Watch more MTVM videos on AOL Video
We've been waiting on the world to change, and I think the playing field just leveled out. We are no longer standing at a distance. But first we need to start with ourselves. As arrogant as we may be, the world watches the US. As I was walking home, there was a man on the corner listening to Obama's speech. Clearly, everyone sees everything we do, and lately, it has not been too good. So maybe with a new President, we can again be seen as a nation of achievers not only making our country a better place, but also our world (if anything, I know the world is celebrating out victory as well).
American has been handed back to its people. "Manifest Destiny" has a whole new meaning.
Yes we have a new President. Yes, it is very possible that there is a better future in the sights of most Americans, but how can we expect things to get better if we don't do what is needed to better ourselves. We need to recognize the power that is in our hands and use it to acheive a common goal.
We as African Americans need to encourage Black children that they can become more than athletes, drug dealers and rappers. They can be doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and even President. We need to stop bringing each other down with violence and drugs. And we need to remember our roots, our culture, where we came from. We need to go into our communities and initiate the change that we so desperately desire.
As Americans, we need to stop looking at each other like we are crayons in a Crayola box, but individuals with character, dreams, hope, and so much more. This is a big step, so we all need to step up.
Don't be upset when the Heavens don't immediately open because we have an African American man as President; when the stocks don't magically rise on Wall Street because we're chanting "O-BAM-A;" and last but not least, don't be quick to cast judgement because Ganja still won't be on the approved list of drugs and all minorities don't suddenly become wealthy because Barak is a minority in the White House and can "relate." Change may come slowly, but it will come (but probably not the Ganja). And it will be because of the combined effort of Americans. Barak Obama is not God. He is human like the rest of us. So treat him as such. When he makes a mistake, don't stone him. All we can hope for is that he rises above the corruption and scandal in Washington politics and beats it, keeps his promises, and works hard for a better America.
Also, keep him and the safety of his family in your prayers. Just because a Black man is President doesn't mean we still don't have "Crazy Bubba" and his redneck hillbilly buddies running around.
And have you heard the new ISH? "Obama's not Black...he's bi-racial." I'm not even gonna comment.
"They didn't give us 40 acres and a mule, but we D*** sure will take 50 states and the White House!" ~Brittany H.'s Facebook Status (I Love It! LOL)
So who's is going to the Inaugural Ball in January? If you are, can I PLEASE be your guest? I have a gorgeous dress I could wear. Or maybe Barak and Joe (yea, I'm on a first name basis with them like that. lol), will have a big 'ole cookout on the White House lawn and serve fried chicken, sweet potatoes, greens, corn know, the works. Not all of us can afford a $1,700 ticket.
But anyway, be proud. WE JUST MADE HISTORY!

(Kory, I too would like to be America's first lady...::wink::wink::)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hi There
So this weekend went well. Nothing much happened.
I went to King's Tap (where we went last week) after work on Friday. It was me, some of my co-workers, Christina, and one of her co-workers. We had a really good time. But Christina and I called it a night before everyone else. Since I had already been out on Monday until 4am, I figured I should try to make up some much needed sleep.
I went to school on Saturday then went to dinner with Andrea. Around 10:30, I headed for Itaewon to meet Christina, Kara and Erica. We also met up with Sam (someone we trained with). We had a good time. We went to an Irish pub, a lounge, and 2 clubs. We ended the night with some enchaladas and Christina shared a cab home.
I did some food shopping on Sunday since I hadn't been in 2 weeks. Didn't spend too much since its only me.
I went to the hopital on Monday to get my stitches out and OMG!!! Well first, I was waiting in the room and the doctor came in and started speaking Korean. Why these people keep playing these games with me??!! Do I look like I am fluent in Korean?? When I gave her the blank stare, she started speaking English... Now why wouldn't you try that first?? H***, just put in my file that I'm American so we don't have to keep playing these games. GEESH! But anyway, for all of you that told me that getting my stitches out wouldn't hurt... YOU'VE GOTTA BE F'N KIDDING ME!!! I wanted to snatch my hand back from the doctor and tell her to just let the skin heal over my Hampton Blue stitches. And to make it worse, the last one was stuck. So while she is ripping and pulling at my skin, I had to fight everything that told me to smack the ISH outta her. All she says is "I sorry" NO YOU'RE NOT! Don't lie to me woman!! UGH! she finally got the stitch out and my thumb looked horrible. It's all swollen and disformed. What have I done to my thumb?? :( I told her how part of it is still numb and she informed me that I may have injured my sensation nerve and that it would take a long time to get better...thanks for the info. That just made my day bright! She also told me that I need to start exercising my thumb because it's stiff and doesn't move much. HELLO...WHEN I MOVE IT IT HURTS! Maybe I'll see if I can get my thumb a membership at Bally's and have them work it out. She also told me that I have to go back on Wednesday to get my dressing changed. Does she know what Wednesday is (your Tuesday night)?? That's when we find out if we have hope for the next 4 years, or if we should pack up our ISH and move to Mexico. All I know is, they beeter make it fast on Wednesday.
Not much else to update you on.
Be sure to go and vote (for Obama!) today/tomorrow. So help me, if you don't...I can't even write what it is I will do to you. Just think of the Romanov's times 10...make that 28. Yea, so get your booty up and vote!
Until Next Time!
(and we will have a new president elect!)
I went to King's Tap (where we went last week) after work on Friday. It was me, some of my co-workers, Christina, and one of her co-workers. We had a really good time. But Christina and I called it a night before everyone else. Since I had already been out on Monday until 4am, I figured I should try to make up some much needed sleep.
I went to school on Saturday then went to dinner with Andrea. Around 10:30, I headed for Itaewon to meet Christina, Kara and Erica. We also met up with Sam (someone we trained with). We had a good time. We went to an Irish pub, a lounge, and 2 clubs. We ended the night with some enchaladas and Christina shared a cab home.
I did some food shopping on Sunday since I hadn't been in 2 weeks. Didn't spend too much since its only me.
I went to the hopital on Monday to get my stitches out and OMG!!! Well first, I was waiting in the room and the doctor came in and started speaking Korean. Why these people keep playing these games with me??!! Do I look like I am fluent in Korean?? When I gave her the blank stare, she started speaking English... Now why wouldn't you try that first?? H***, just put in my file that I'm American so we don't have to keep playing these games. GEESH! But anyway, for all of you that told me that getting my stitches out wouldn't hurt... YOU'VE GOTTA BE F'N KIDDING ME!!! I wanted to snatch my hand back from the doctor and tell her to just let the skin heal over my Hampton Blue stitches. And to make it worse, the last one was stuck. So while she is ripping and pulling at my skin, I had to fight everything that told me to smack the ISH outta her. All she says is "I sorry" NO YOU'RE NOT! Don't lie to me woman!! UGH! she finally got the stitch out and my thumb looked horrible. It's all swollen and disformed. What have I done to my thumb?? :( I told her how part of it is still numb and she informed me that I may have injured my sensation nerve and that it would take a long time to get better...thanks for the info. That just made my day bright! She also told me that I need to start exercising my thumb because it's stiff and doesn't move much. HELLO...WHEN I MOVE IT IT HURTS! Maybe I'll see if I can get my thumb a membership at Bally's and have them work it out. She also told me that I have to go back on Wednesday to get my dressing changed. Does she know what Wednesday is (your Tuesday night)?? That's when we find out if we have hope for the next 4 years, or if we should pack up our ISH and move to Mexico. All I know is, they beeter make it fast on Wednesday.
Not much else to update you on.
Be sure to go and vote (for Obama!) today/tomorrow. So help me, if you don't...I can't even write what it is I will do to you. Just think of the Romanov's times 10...make that 28. Yea, so get your booty up and vote!
Until Next Time!
(and we will have a new president elect!)
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