Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Happy Thanksgiving...

Its been Thanksgiving for the past 20 hours here in Korea, and it feels nothing like the day I have known for the past 22 years. I woke up this morning and caught the subway to the Grand Hilton for Thanksgiving lunch with Christina, Kara, and Andrea. The food was very good as well as the company, but there were no greens, sweet potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. You know, the usual Thanksgiving ingredients, although, there was turkey! Despite the lack of food and family from home, there was one ingredient that is ever present. Thanks. I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I graduated from university with honors, I celebrated my 22nd birthday, I have a job (in Korea!!), and most importantly, I have the love of my family and friends and Kory (and always God)<3.
So the new term started on Monday and so far so good. All of my kids seem really respectful and eager to learn English, so that makes me really excited, but I don't wanna jinx it just yet.
Also, my classes are pretty reasonable sizes. No more 16 kids in a class built for 12! YAY!! And when I walked in on Wednesday, there were only 2 names on the class list! I was so excited. Only 2 kids...YES! BUT, I got the bomb dropped on me when I went in today. The class is cancelled! It wouldn't be profitable to have a class with only 2 students. So they put the kids in other do I have Wednesdays and Saturdays off?? NOOOO!! Of coarse not. They gave me an hourly teacher's class. Why pay her extra hours when they can dump the class on me and its within my 30 hours/week. Ugh. But at least I have a job which is more than what some people can say (you like my optimism? good huh?)
The next couple of weeks, Korean middle school students will be having another round of school tests in their regular school. These tests are so important that they skip going to their hagwons to study. That's why I'm home 3 hours early today. All of my kids in my Tues/Thurs 7pm class called out... until December 11th! So for the next week and a half, Tuesday-Thursdays will be half days (those must be some pretty intensive tests). Unless my school shoves some other classes at me until my students return. We shall see.
So earlier in the week, two of my students from last term came running in my classroom during break screaming "Teacher! Gimme Candy!" Of coarse, that peeked the curiosity of my students and the two told them that if you answer a question correctly, I give candy. Well, next thing I new I had tons of students yelling "Teacher candy!" I didn't have any which can be seen as a good or a bad thing. Good, cause if I pulled it out, they may have ripped my hand off. It was also a bad thing because they me looks as if they were huungry lionesses and they had just spotted a meal. But I told them starting next week, they would get M&M's which made them really excited... exceot for the one voice that yelled "Teacher, it has melamine!" The first time I heard this, I was like WHAT!? What the H*** is wrong with melanin??! But they clearified and said "melaMine."
So apparently, melamine is a toxin found in small amounts (which isn't harmful) in some foods. I looked it up and found out that the FDA is working on banning it from all foods...or something like that. So the next time a student yells "it has melamine" I will reply with "NA UH!"
Have you heard Beyoncé's new album? I haven't heard the entire thing, but I have listened to two songs and fell in love with 1. You guessed it...'If I Were A Boy.' I absolutely love that song! And it is so true. If girls and guys could switch places, even just for a day, guys would see the pain and hurt they put us girls through and understand how to be better men. Now I'm not saying that the selfishness is one way, there are girls who treat their boyfriends like crap, but I hear more about guys being the jerks. What can I say? So if you haven't hear the song (which means you must live in a cave because if I can get it on the other side of the world, surely you should have no problem being in the states) here it is. Thanks Leslie and Mommie for telling me about it!

So not much more to blog about. I may be going to the aquarium on Sunday. That's all my plans for now. Hope you all have a good and safe Turkey Day! And shop plenty for me on Black Friday!
Until Next Time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to write those people a very angry letter. How they gonna have a thanksgiving dinner without the essentials?? Ridiculous!
Im looking for your christmas gift, Im not sure wat to get you. I dont know what you need but ima find something for you. I know you gonna try n talk me out of it but im pretty sure if i dont get u a christmas gift, years from now i'll be reminded of it lol.
Good luck with your new term bookie. I hope the kids are better than the last one. I think u are becoming popularly known as the "candy girl" among the kids lol. but just dont let them get too hooked to the sugar cuz its addictive at that age.
Im glad youre feeling better. Just keep your head up baby, youre gonan be fine. Im praying for you every night, for encouragement, safety, and strength. Keep it up bookie, n stay positive. If you every need anything, Im right here, just call me and Ima find a way to get it to you. See you in exactly a month!!! Get ready!! Im really looking forward to it, im not even thinking about the 14 hour flight. Cant wait to spend new years with you!! Are you as excited as me?!?! No... I dont think you are. You cant be! Cuz Im hyped! I mean hyped like a fat kid going to visit the twinkie factory hyped!! Yeah.... you not hype like me. I know LOL.

P.S... your dream has intrigued me, im gonna look into some of the stuff you be reading ;)... love you!

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