Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Been A While...

Hello all. I know its been almost a week and you haven't heard from me (I've gotten 3 ims/calls about my lack of entries this past week. lol), but not much has been going on. Nothing but school and the occasional play time.
We go a new teacher at school. So I'm no longer the "newbie" or the youngest. He's 22 also, but he was born in July...that's right I have two months on him. He was born here in Korea but moved to Oregon, so he does have one up on me.
Anyway, my coworkers and I went out last night to welcome him and say "goodbye" to Zack who will be leaving next week.
This past weekend, Christina and I went to Myeong-dong to do some shopping. Well was I in love...Nine West, The Gap, Guess, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Reebok, Addidas and the list goes on which includes many Korean stores as well. And the icing on the cake...Forever 21. Now this wasn't the Forever 21 you're thinking of. This is one that has a doorman, four gigant-a-normous floors, and tons of dressing rooms (here in Korea, you usually can't try stuff on. You just have to guess-ta-mate and go). And there weren't the cheap looking clothes there that fall apart after two runs through the washer. No, There was some really good looking stuff there. I got 2 sweaters, two long sleeve shirts, and a tank top for 94,000 won. Not too bad I think. I will definitely be going back. After shopping, we went to Burger King (my first time since I've been here). While shopping, it began to snow and it was so pretty. It wasn't the first snowfall of the season, but it is the first one that I had seen (the last two were when I was in my dungeon, so I didn't get to see it).
After shopping, we went to Itaewon and I got my eyebrows done. If you know me, you know that my eyebrows have a love affair going on and love to meet in the middle. That's right, I was developing that horrible unibrow, so I had to get some help for that. For 10,000, I was escorted to a private room, laid on a bed thing, had my hair pulled back and had my eyebrows waxed, tweezed and clipped. Not bad looking either. But they don't look the way Shavanni (my hair stylest who also does my eyebrows) has them looking. I like mine a little long, arched, and thin. Right now, they're average, arched and a little wider than I prefer, but hey, there's two of them and not one so I'm happy.
After my waxing, we went to a French place to have dessert. I had some apple looking thing with ice cream which was very good. As it continued to snow, Christina and I debated if we should go somewhere and get some fries. Although I did have some earlier, I could always go for more fries. But remembering warnings from family members and friends not to come home fat, I decided to pass (I'm getting stronger!!). But we were both craving a blooming onion from Outback, so that's where we are going tomorrow since we both have half days (maybe I'm not as strong as I thought :( )
Speaking of half days, remember I was supposed to have half days on Tues & Thurs until this Thursday...well, I left school at 7pm today, stopped at the store to get some milk and ice pops (my alternative for chips), I made it home and took some Tylenol pm cause I was gonna eat and call it an early night. Well, as soon as I sat down at my computer, my cell phone rang. It was my supervisor asking where I was. I told her I was home and she continued with, "but you have class." Uhhh... no I don't. The old desk teacher told me I didn't have class until Thurs. She said I had 3 students who were waiting for me. UGH! So I had to trek it back to school, 35 mins after class started, but I made sure I had the note the desk teacher wrote telling me I didn't have class. She saw that it was not my fault and said ok.
And speaking of my supervisor, she told me when I first got here that all of my utilities were gonna be taken right out of my check so I didn't have to worry about paying them. So why the H*** did I get a shut off notice on my door saying that they were going to shut off my electric today if it didn't get paid (this all being in Korean of coarse)!!?? So I took it to school and showed her and she informs me that she misunderstood what my landlord told her. She thought he meant everything, but clearly, the money taken out does not include electric. But I didn't even have the bills anymore cause she told me to throw them out! UGH!! So she called the company and got my account number and told me they would extend it to tomorrow...big whoop! She told me I could go to the ATM machine and pay it, but I couldn't. SO I have to go to work tomorrow at 1pm so she can help me. The bill is only 39,000 won for Sept-Nov, which isn't bad, but I would have liked to pay it on time so that the people here wouldn't think I'm some lazy, non bill paying American... but I guess who cares what they think right?
Nothing much more to tell. Kory will be here in 2 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours and 3 minutes!! YAY!! Also, I've been talking to a girl who will be here in a little over a week. She's coming to visit a friend and hopefully we can meet up while she's here.
My 31 days of Christmas is continuing. I've gotten so much stuff so far and its only the 9th (thanks Mommie!!!)!!! At the end of the 31 days, I'll try to take a picture of everything.
That's all for now.
Until Next Time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bookie! Hows that book coming along?? It must be going along great.... You are writing less blogs. Wen you finish the book, i wanna be the first to read it. Is it gonna be like the book in the Best Man? I cant wait to see you!!! Its gonna be our first holiday together and in a foreign country. And stop buying so much stuff! Remember our talk. I dont mind if you have a straight line across your forehead for an eyebrow, i'll still love you, i promise. It might even be a sexy look for you, who knows lol! Miss you very much. See you in a few weeks!Take care and be careful, dont talk to strangers and look both ways when crossing the street. Love you.

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